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Joined: Dec 8, 2022
Last seen: Nov 24, 2023
Topics: 7 / Replies: 38
RE: Setting different temperatures throughout the day. Good idea for ASHP?

Thanks guys. I will change my settings accordingly.

8 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

The installers have quoted £450 to top up the system with glycol. This is quite a bit, to protect myself from something that is very likely not to hap...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

Thanks so much guys, very helpful. Youve put my mind to rest (I tend to catastrophise!). I will ask the supplier to quote, and then make a decision....

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

Great, thanks @AllyFish. Ive just been outside and taken some photos. As you can see, hardly any external pipework (a few inches), intrenally the pipe...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

Ah ok, thanks @Kev M . Ill ask the installers for a quote. The system is only 4 years old. Perhaps Im expecting too much from it, and these ASHP are...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

Thanks @Derek M . As you say - the engineer dashed off without explaining anything to me!! Had he have said "The system is only protected to -4, we wo...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

@toodles Is this a simple case of them just needing to put glycol in? I sit a 5 minute job or am I over simplifying it? I paid them to service the uni...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

@sunandair : Theyve said that the -4 is the temperature to which your system is currently protected! They said they would recommend it being -15 degre...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

@sunandair Great, thanks Ill email them now. 🙂

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

@sunandair Ah well done! Yes Im sure the system has glycol in. In fact Ive just dug out the Service Sheet from 2 months ago: So it looks lik eit...

10 months ago
RE: How to turn ASHP heating off!?

@sunandair Morning!Just woken up. Its a cold morning, must have been very cold over night. Im very cold-tolerant, so Im not going to put the heating o...

10 months ago
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