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226 kWhs
Joined: Dec 2, 2023
Last seen: Jan 20, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 31
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

Not sure how to vote, current install is good, very pleased, but it replaced another that was like a kafka novel.

6 months ago
RE: Some big changes are coming to heat pump installation training

Agree with this, but Gov just throws £7,500 at people without any effective education on any of it and also doesn't provide an effective safety net (i...

6 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

Mystery solved. Grant says it can happen where the system pump sticks on and it's not to do with frost protection. Doing reset on the pump stops the i...

6 months ago
RE: Some big changes are coming to heat pump installation training

My two penn’orth, I’d like to see user training that targets both types A and B, possibly going for a modular approach to cater for starter, intermedi...

6 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

@richw Is the frost protection symbol on (on the control panel) when you hear the noise? We get the noise but not the frost protection symbol. A...

6 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

@mikefl Parameter 41 22 is 30 so presume that's 30 mins which the pump seems to be ignoring. The other oddity is the outdoor temperature at which th...

7 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

@mikefl The plot thickens. Spoke with a Grant trained engineer who says if the frost protection symbol isn't coming on then neither is the frost prote...

7 months ago
RE: Any recommended ASHP in the South West?

Have you searched on Heat Geek's website?

7 months ago
RE: MCS consultation on amendments to PD rules

I feel your pain, and wish I had a silver bullet. Long shot - was the house a self-build, was there a Gov grant, and might that have had conditions? A...

7 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

@mikefl No back-up heater, so can't be that, but thanks for confirming what the parameter is. 43/11 and 43/12 are set low because antifreeze protect...

7 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

Thank you for making me not feel stupid 😌 I will try to continue in a similar vein. If we assume the pump here is coming on in protection mo...

7 months ago
RE: Grant Aerona circulation/system pump staying on

That's interesting - stupid question here but how do you know frost protection is running if the symbol isn't on?

7 months ago
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