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152 kWhs
Joined: Nov 29, 2021
Last seen: Nov 15, 2023
Topics: 4 / Replies: 14
RE: New installation not quite right, advice sought

I have a similar Samsung and have found a hot water mode that works for me. I am on an Agile tarif and so I force the hotwater to heat up at 2pm-3pm a...

1 year ago
RE: Air source heat pump roll call

Forum Handle: @ollyManufacturer: SamsungModel: HTQ AE140BXYDEG/EU Type: ASHP,Arrangement: MonoArea of Country: KentHome Type: House (1960's house with...

1 year ago
RE: Route of primary heat circuit through block and beam floor

Thanks for the replies @hughf and @william1066. You have given me food for thought. If I get a definitive answer on the way it should be done from bui...

2 years ago
RE: UK heat pump adoption – at the bottom

@derek-m certainly the wind has dropped today, and consequently the price of wholesale electricity has jumped up manyfold. My understanding is that th...

2 years ago
RE: Samsung Launches the EHS Mono HT Quiet – A High Temperature, Low Noise Heat Pump Ideal for Home and Building Renovations

@grahamh how is the new Samsung unit? Are we likely to see a review of it any time soon? How does it compare with the other heat pumps of this generat...

2 years ago
RE: Trickle vents v mechanical ventilation

@heat-pump-newbie what did you decide to do with your ventilation in the end? I am having to make a similar choice soon, so any further information wo...

2 years ago
RE: Nibe S2125 - anybody had experience with this relatively new heat pump?

The requirement for planning permission is indeed a pain, but it seems to be a problem with the planning permission in the UK, not the unit. UK is ind...

2 years ago
RE: Nibe S2125 - anybody had experience with this relatively new heat pump?

Certainly the cold climate COP figures for 35/55c look pretty good at 4.20 / 3.40, verses the old NIBE F2040-12 of 3.63/2.85. The nominal sound figure...

2 years ago
RE: Published noise vs measured noise

Wow @derek-m, I see graphs. Thanks! The frequency curves are interesting. However, even with the extra info, the same problem remains for the Midea as...

3 years ago
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