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154 kWhs
Joined: May 14, 2021
Last seen: Dec 5, 2023
Topics: 4 / Replies: 26
RE: 16KW Samsung help!

I also have a 16 kw system and I am shocked at the amount of electricity that is required. Yesterday in 24 hours we used 57 kw and we are aiming at 19...

8 months ago
RE: Heat pump monitoring - Open Source.

Very interesting. I have been disappointed with my COP. I have an Ecodan but it looks as if I’m getting something similar to other owners.

8 months ago
RE: Ecodan 8.5kW ASHP - 320L DHW Tank

I have the same problem i heat at night on cheap tariff but one shower and temp drop from 48 to 18

8 months ago
RE: Salt heat batteries

Caplor have been involved in Green energy for many years and have experimented with solar, wind and ASHP's. The owner (an ex student of mine) has exp...

2 years ago
RE: Salt heat batteries

My ASHP installers, CAPLOR, have a salt battery system set up at their HQ in Herefordshire. I was shown it recently.

2 years ago
RE: Halved our ASHP energy consumption

I too have an Ecodan and would be interested in the weather comp settings you use. thanks

2 years ago
RE: Ecodan help

@derek-m Looking at the Unit Settings again I think you are correct. It has "Set tank temperature " at the top and I just assumed that the lower s...

2 years ago
RE: Ecodan help

@kev-m thanks greatly for the reply I was referring to the Unit Settings on the remote controller. I’ve played around with it so much that I ...

2 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@editor windfall tax must happen surely. It’s logical and fair and will avoid crippling the economy as families won’t be buying anything. I’m staying ...

2 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

Its interesting that France has capped increases to 4% by charging a windfall tax. French citizens would have gone onto the streets This Britis...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

@mjr Having an Ecodan I would be interested ion what adjustments you like doing?

2 years ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

The briquettes come in carboard boxes which are easy to handle, clean and stack well. They do not take to getting wet however!

3 years ago
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