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48 kWhs
Joined: Nov 6, 2021
Last seen: Jun 11, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 97
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

OK, I'm going to wait until the ASHP is doing nothing, then I will bump up the set point on the Honeywell to 25°C - I had to turn it all off to take s...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m If the Honeywell is overruling the Ecodan system, how do I stop it please?

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m On a slightly different note, my DHW is apparently set to only do things on a 10°C drop. If I dropped this down to 5°C would it make life mor...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

Morning @derek-m, I'm all nice & toasty warm! The house is all warm except for one room. All things considered, the kitchen seems to have an und...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

Radiators occasionally feel warm, mostly cool though. ASHP currently seems to be pulling a couple of hundred Watts, according to my Smart Meter remote...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m Interesting... It's a "live" setting screen, as in you don't need to click the OK arrow to set it, you just have to change things & use...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m OK - I'll set them to 20C & 50C, as opposed to their current settings of 30C & 50C

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m If you select No on the Shutdown screen, it just bounces you back out to the previous menu. You have to shut down the system before you can...

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@morgan good luck, I'll keep you posted here on how it goes. OK, next big question... What should they be?

3 years ago
RE: 14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

@derek-m @morgan Yeah, I just tried it too, same result, & I backed out too... Question: Do we need to power off the system before we can ch...

3 years ago
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