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Brendon Uys
Prominent Member
2008 kWhs
Joined: Aug 6, 2021
Last seen: Jul 20, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 335
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@derek-m So would we all, but beggars cannot be choosers 😀

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@lucia In my view, the Daiken is a better unit as it controls the Delta T of the heating water (The Vaillant does not ), and the controller is very mu...

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@jamespa If flow temperature was the only variable, you may have a point, however, there are tens if not many hundreds of variables that need to be ta...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

I will give you a clue and only 1 of many reasons, for every 1 Degree you move the flow temperature up from source (outside temperature), you add betw...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@JamesPa Do you tell your surgeon where to cut? I think not, however when things go wrong, and if they did listen to you, they would still get the bla...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

You are correct, the house was 100% under floor heating so no emitter changes, just redesigned and modified for correct operation. For the customer, ...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

Please do not believe any SCOP figures, they are calculated laboratory figures and bear absolutely no resemblance to real life whatsoever. If you have...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@gunboatdiplomat The £2-3000.00 extra cost could very easily be eaten up in a few months, Last year I repaired a system with an average winter spend o...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

I am not sure you realise the implication of design compromise. It can quite easily double your current heating bill, I have seen it many times. Would...

3 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@lucia All BG installations are now installed using my open zome, high performing designs. All installations, weather installed by subcontractors, or ...

4 weeks ago
RE: Aira Heat Pump: Stylish Scandinavian Heating

Caution everyone, this manual stipulates the installation of a buffer tank, so, the promised guaranty of supplying sufficient heat, may come at a very...

3 months ago
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