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696 kWhs
Joined: Nov 2, 2023
Last seen: Mar 1, 2025
Topics: 1 / Replies: 66
RE: ASHP and heating issues in new build house

That does sound like a very high heat loss but then your house is bigger than our one, which is 2 storey 4 bedroom, maybe half the floor area. We hav...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

It sounds like you are getting to grips with it well. I just want to check, are the pressure gauges in the system showing a sensible sort of pressure...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

Also from what I have read it isn't impossible for a meter to be wrong but in your case for it to be wrong and the house not heating up is all too muc...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

Well if you brought it brand new just now then you surely have a case to go back to them and threaten legal action, but 3 and a bit years latejudging ...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

I see the checklist mentions Polypipe Smart Stat, which is apparently one of these: do you have it somewhere?

3 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

Thanks for the photos that is useful. A 2 degree drop between out and inflow, that's I think fairly normal, but where is the heat going? You will lo...

3 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan consuming 100kwh per day in new build!!!

That sounds really bad, our one uses a quarter of the energy when it is close to freezing. Do you have any documentation about the system? If you...

3 weeks ago
RE: Need a bit of help please: problematic heat pump installation

Heck, we never got any heat calculations for our intallation; if anything it is a bit oversized. I'm not condemning the radiators, I and am pointing ...

11 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please: problematic heat pump installation

Scientifically, yes, but I've been in a lot of older houses over the years and seen all sorts of older radiators and rarely anything from the 21st cen...

11 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please

Basically unless they are only 10 years old, I have great trouble believing that the original radiators are able to put out enough energy from the coo...

11 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please

That sound like a complete mess. Are they the original radiators or did they replace them with newer high output ones? People who know more wil...

11 months ago
RE: New Scottish Building Heat Standard

From what I have read it is a start, the issue is more political, in that anything appearing green is seen as evil by the tories and similar. Added t...

11 months ago
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