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631 kWhs
Joined: Nov 2, 2023
Last seen: Apr 24, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 59
RE: Need a bit of help please: problematic heat pump installation

Heck, we never got any heat calculations for our intallation; if anything it is a bit oversized. I'm not condemning the radiators, I and am pointing ...

6 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please: problematic heat pump installation

Scientifically, yes, but I've been in a lot of older houses over the years and seen all sorts of older radiators and rarely anything from the 21st cen...

6 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please

Basically unless they are only 10 years old, I have great trouble believing that the original radiators are able to put out enough energy from the coo...

6 months ago
RE: Need a bit of help please

That sound like a complete mess. Are they the original radiators or did they replace them with newer high output ones? People who know more wil...

6 months ago
RE: New Scottish Building Heat Standard

From what I have read it is a start, the issue is more political, in that anything appearing green is seen as evil by the tories and similar. Added t...

6 months ago
RE: My ASHP is not performing as well as I’d hoped: COP just over 2

Now people have said all the sensible long things, I have a question - can you tell how often it is coming on and off each hour, and is it possible to...

6 months ago
RE: Air source heat pump stopped generating hot water

Spirotech, the one on the right, is a fancy water filter, I think pretty much all systems have a spirotech or something similar. To get any particles...

6 months ago
RE: Is this a bad installation and is there something wrong with my Samsung heat pump?

Our panels look a bit more like 10% and 80% setup, but have survived 70mph gusts over winter okay and seem to be rigid just now. The clamp on David's...

6 months ago
RE: Is this a bad installation and is there something wrong with my Samsung heat pump?

That is ridiculous. So you have the hot water tank, a buffer tank, a red and a white tank and a big white one as well. For comparison, our installat...

6 months ago
RE: Air source heat pump stopped generating hot water

That's a pain, sounds like you might have been paying through the nose to heat your hot water for a while using the immersion heater. To help with ...

6 months ago
RE: Wind turbines, planning applications and implementation

I too would like a small, 0.5 to 1Kw vertical axis wind turbine to go at the bottom of the garden and basically top up the battery we have in the hous...

6 months ago
6 months ago
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