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Joined: Jan 29, 2023
Last seen: Nov 19, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 78
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

This thread has some detailed conversations around the Ecodan's AA mode so thought I'd add some detail around a recent test in AA mode here. I'm not...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

Here's another 'feature' of Melcloud I've come across. Below was taken around 10am this morning (i.e. 14th Feb had 'finished' some 10 hours prior). ...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

From my perspective I'd done a fairly significant amount of research so was already fairly familiar with the controller settings and how to run things...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

@sunandair that's spooky, I also settled on the 10 -7 +3 combo for the exact same logic/reasons. Also see my previous post with the charts with comp...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

I noticed something on the chart I posted yesterday (with the frequency values added - below) that got me thinking. I noticed that the compressor freq...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

Yes, blue setpoint, black current room temp. Display is +/- 0.5C. 1 degree nighttime setback from 18C to 17C at 23:00, then at 05:00 back to 18C.

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

Room temp at the time of sampling (12:00) was perfectly at set temp of 18c. I must say that AA mode is good at hitting it's target and holding it to w...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

I'm back to the default of 10. Having tried 20, 30, 40 and 60 with no apparent change in behaviour.

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

I thought I'd plot compressor frequency on a typical AA cycle to try and understand what's going on under the hood (rather annoying that frequency isn...

2 years ago
RE: Ecodan. How to run this efficiently with zero understanding.

I see the same pattern when my HP is off and the water circulation pumps stay on. Essentially the flow and return water mix until they match temps, an...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

Agreed. I've settled on +3 largely for that reason, the comfort factor. At +5 I could almost 'feel' a +5 overshoot (some rooms feeling a tad warm). I ...

2 years ago
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