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243 kWhs
Joined: Oct 8, 2022
Last seen: Aug 17, 2023
Topics: 4 / Replies: 20
RE: ASHP and Tado

@mjr Thanks for that - I have now switched it over and the screen looks like this - Do I need to do anything else e.g. with the +0degrees bit? ...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP and Tado

@benseb Thanks - I'll take a look. I was keen on the Tado system so I could change the temp of individual rooms. Even when I put the Tado onto 'boost ...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP and Tado

@benseb Thanks for the reply. The problem was that the Tado was calling for heat and the controller was set at 21degrees. So I turned the controlle...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP and Tado

@derek-m Hi Derek, It is fairly new - but I only switched it on for heating the other day. It does use a compensation curve (I think) - the install...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP and Tado

@benseb Thanks for the reply - here is a pic from the front screen.

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 2085
RE: Mitsubishi 8kW - strange energy use readings

Thanks Derek - I just don't see what it would be drawing. So I can see that there is a need to circulate sometimes to make sure that parts don't seize...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi 8kW - strange energy use readings

Thanks @Derek M - I'll get in touch with Mitsubishi and see what comes back. I'll let you know what response I get. Cheers Gavin

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi 8kW - strange energy use readings

Thanks @Mars - interesting to hear your experience, it at least helps me feel like I'm not going mad or stupid! Interesting the link between the RHI m...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi 8kW - strange energy use readings

Thanks Derek. I suppose that from what I know about our household energy use I would notice if we were using an extra 3kWh each day, plus it isn't sho...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi 8kW - strange energy use readings

Thanks Howard, That's a lot of salt! If it was the odd kWh here or there I could understand, but it is 3kWh a day on average through Aug and Sept ...

2 years ago
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