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Reputable Member
261 kWhs
Joined: Mar 11, 2021
Last seen: Jan 6, 2025
Topics: 0 / Replies: 85
RE: ASHP Consumption

I don't think its worth investing in more battery power if you are getting an ASHP. It would be more worthwhile to invest in a solar PV to hot water c...

4 years ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

Welcome John. I’m a subscriber on your YouTube channel and enjoy your videos. After watching a recent video of yours I think you’ve found the ...

4 years ago
RE: My not really getting there ASHP installation

You can try contacting my installer for a quote:

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump

I wouldn’t worry too much about the developer stating he would have preferred a gas boiler if possible. It’s the easy low cost option. I’ve not met ma...

4 years ago
RE: My ASHP Installation

It’s definitely worth having as you can remotely change the settings from anywhere in the world and have access to lots of useful data to see what’s g...

4 years ago
RE: My ASHP Installation

Did the installer include the Wi-Fi dongle/unit for the ecodan? If so you can login through a phone app or web browser and check the electricity/energ...

4 years ago
RE: Leaky Ground Loops

You would need to find a plumber that is happy to fit one as depending on what it’s being used for I’ve been told it’s not always legal. somethi...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

We have 500l unvented cylinder with a secondary return running from 5am till 11pm and 7-11 people using hot water each day so we plough through it. I ...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I'd love to have an amount like that coming in during March as it would cover almost all of the hot water demand. Sadly I can't see us living at this ...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Here is our data from March this year. Its amazing what a difference a bit of sun and warmth makes over these last few days 🤣 . Overall we are d...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

You really need to find a way to isolate the ASHP consumption from the total household data otherwise any conclusions will be inaccurate. Does ...

4 years ago
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