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261 kWhs
Joined: Mar 11, 2021
Last seen: Jan 6, 2025
Topics: 0 / Replies: 85
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Hi Caroline, How are you measuring the annual consumption of the ASHP?We have the same ASHP as you and our house is roughly 420M2 and we consume aroun...

3 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Here is an update of our system for the year so far (Ecodan 14kw ASHP + 500l Unvented Cylinder in 420M2 property). I've reduced the time that the se...

3 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

After the demise of Symbio (RIP low cost electricity) we still haven't been fully setup with E.ON and the advice is to wait to change providers until ...

3 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

It does seem like a grim time to be changing. I’ve done some more searching and for us EDF are offering 15.9 and Neon Reef who used to offer 12 are no...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

Ouch. ive just checked online and for our postcode the best they are offering is 15p per kWh

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

In the past when my tariff expired I just emailed them and told them the tariff I wanted to be switched to and they did it for me as I was having issu...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

@info Symbio are currently offering 12.6p for a 13 month contract which I think is close to being the cheapest. They offer slightly cheaper variable r...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

For anyone who uses Symbio on the variable direct debit please check your emails. I have received an email stating that they are introducing a n...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I’d love to get my hot water costs down but sadly running the secondary return just kills the efficiency of the unvented cylinder and people aren’t ha...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Here is an updated look at our 14kw Mitsibushi Ecodan ASHP performance. Not a great May 🤣

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I'm sorry to hear about your issues. I am also based in Bedfordshire so if you need any assistance send me a message. We have a 14kw system heat...

4 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

I have been with Symbio since August 2020 and after 9 bills the difference in actual usage and what they have billed me is £7 (this is with £3,590 wor...

4 years ago
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