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230 kWhs
Joined: Mar 11, 2021
Last seen: Mar 4, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 84
RE: Electricity price predictions

For business owners Octopus is offering 21p p/kWh on a 12 month contract.

5 months ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan pipe width query

I would also get them to improve the insulation on that exterior pipework as its looks pretty basic.

8 months ago
RE: Ecodan appears to be ignoring Temperature Compensation

I would get an expert in to check over the system installation/configuration. I can recommend Mark at JMR heating who services our system and I think ...

8 months ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

I've changed to the 5% discounted Eon Next variable tariff as it will be cheaper than the 30.4p I fixed at till July 2024. The Octopus Cosy tari...

8 months ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@diverted-energy The exit fee is £75 Looking at the predicted price caps the price is nearly the same as the 30p guaranteed rate for the next 12...

1 year ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

I've signed up to a fixed deal with my existing supplier Eon Next as they are offering 30.41p per kWh for 12 months and I want the certainty of the co...

1 year ago
RE: Wood burning stoves

We have two log burners in our house and try to source all our wood from local tree service companies who are cutting down trees and we then process i...

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

The further rise in January is going to be brutal.

2 years ago
RE: Who's your electricity provider and what's your tariff?

I’ve begrudgingly accepted the Eon fixed contract at 34p pkWh today. We’ll pay more from now until April from when the capped price should be similar....

2 years ago
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