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Honorable Member
2644 kWhs
Joined: Feb 8, 2023
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 1 / Replies: 304
RE: alternative to Homely - HavenWise. Anyone used it?

@morgan Havenwise uses the data that is fed to Melcloud so it could work for you. I haven't inquired but I would expect you to need to be using the m...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan with FTC7 controller DHW schedule

The hot water mode is the settings on FTC6, I think you are thinking of separate pump speeds for heating and DHW which is only on FTC 7, its in the vi...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan flow rate tweak

@jingle86 Thats in the Ecodan ATW Databook Volume 6.0 /p> No idea what they mean that's why I suggested calling the technical help line they are...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan with FTC7 controller DHW schedule

@davidalgarve There are 2 heating modes for DHW Eco and Std, Eco as it suggests uses less input power but takes longer, so if you aren't on that alrea...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks under reports there is an hourly temp plot that you can then choose by hour, its starts with the current hour but if you click on the time...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks if you could post the hourly temp plots rather than the last 24 hour ones they will have all the detail that should match your other plots

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan flow rate tweak

I would give the Mitsubishi customer help line a call, the manual does say if you want to get max flow you will need to install an additional pump, se...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

If you post Melcloud graphs its worth clicking off all the other series you don't need, like set tank temp, this allows the plots to rescale to the da...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

If you want to use auto adapt then you will either need to get the main controller sited somewhere where it can get a good temperature reading or as ...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

With your increased curve and increased OAT (outside ambient temp) it was still trying to run around 38C. Between 1.40 and 3.40 you have the same cy...

2 months ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@sunandair Clockwork means DT25 of the rads at design flow of 45C vs a room temp of 20C or thereabouts

2 months ago
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