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128 kWhs
Joined: Nov 23, 2022
Last seen: Dec 16, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 17
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m understood regarding the temperature offset! I will have that on zero for now then whilst I am still learning. No other pumps or buffer ta...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m hi, its not the termostat that is downstairs and set much higher than the room is reaching

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m ok so if I am understanding correctly lockshields and TRVs as open as possible is the idea, so long as all the rads are getting an even temp?...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@batalto oh that is good to know! Single thermostat is downstairs in the chilly hallway so whilst we have one, yes, it’s just keeping the pump running...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@batalto thank you! I will look into that. I had increased it again because the kitchen and hallway downstairs are so blooming cold. Think I am going ...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

My radiators also seem to be getting warm and then near cooling down repeatedly throughout the day. Is this normal?

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m I have been fiddling around trying to balance the rads. The lockshield valves were fully open on all of them, but in all honesty I think my a...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m Thank you so much for the detailed guidance in response to my questions :), and sorry for my silence over the weekend.... busy doing diy fitt...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@kev-m currently the lower temps are keeping it too warm (based on my comfort rather than any readings). However, yesterdays usage was 23.2kwh for the...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

@derek-m Thank you so much Derek that is so helpful. First step to order some thermometers and get the data collecting :D! Although I keep comin...

2 years ago
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