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Derek M
Illustrious Member
14426 kWhs
Veteran Expert
Joined: Mar 4, 2021
Last seen: Jul 27, 2024
Topics: 7 / Replies: 4253
RE: Ecodan - flow rates, sensors, settings

Achieving an accurate flow measurement is probably the more difficult of the four main parameters. As you state the Sika data shows the VVX20 standa...

5 hours ago
RE: Ecodan ASHP - How to optimise my set up?

I believe that the FTC controller can only vary the water pump speed if the actual water pump is capable of having its speed varied. An easy way to ch...

1 day ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

The only time that you may wish to have a TRV in the living area is in a room or rooms that suffer from high solar gain. While in an open system, the ...

4 days ago
RE: Advice on ASHP choice needed

@majordennisbloodnok You do realise that by having more doors, it means that there are more doors that your wife can slam in your face. 😋

5 days ago
RE: Battery Storage Wiring Gauge Question

As far as the gauge or thickness of the cable is concerned, this will depend upon the maximum quantity of power to be moved and the voltage. If you ...

6 days ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

This method has been tried, but failed. You may have greater success. Unfortunately Ian is reluctant to make any physical changes to his system. Th...

6 days ago
RE: Incorrect Billing of Customers with a Smart Meter

@transparent It is actually referred to as 'combined cycle operation' rather than 'closed cycle operation'. We did have a system as you suggest, i...

6 days ago
RE: Domestic hot water timer doing crazy things on my Grant Aerona3 10kW air source heat pump

@mellow While it may have a label stating buffer tank, it appears to be piped as a volumiser.

6 days ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@iantelescope I would suggest that you check the Chemistry of the water within your system.

6 days ago
RE: Domestic hot water timer doing crazy things on my Grant Aerona3 10kW air source heat pump

@mellow I doubt that it is a buffer tank if you do not have a secondary water pump, since the system would struggle to work correctly. It may be a v...

1 week ago
RE: Advice on ASHP choice needed

It could even be that the present radiator size is adequate, and that the flow rate has been reduced with the lockshield valve to lower the temperatur...

1 week ago
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