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Homely Controller now available for Daikin ASHP’s!

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@morgan oh sorry sounds like the left arm doesn't know what the right arm is doing at Homely.

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Meanwhile… I am due to have the Homely unit fitted to our Daikin EDLA08 on Monday 23rd. October; the Homely rep will not be present but, the installer has booked a telephone call with him so that he can run through all the procedure and setup to ensure we have a ‘tickety boo’ installation before he leaves! Will report back in due course. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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At long last, the Homely controller has been fitted to my Daikin EDL08E2V3 ASHP! First impressions: The installation manual and the YouTube videos seem to be at variance about a few points regarding connections and dip switches I think, but the fitter spoke with Homely and eventually, we had a working system.

I had initially set the desired temperature to 22.5 C as we are chilly mortals and had been using this level previously but have since reduced this in stages to 21.5 C. The unit needs to learn our system needs which I gather takes a week or two to settle down; having adjusted to our requirements, the heating losses, solar gain through windows and numerous other unique factors about our house, things should settle down. As suggested, I set a 2 degree tolerance to allow temperature to vary making best use of Agile tariff half hourly changes but felt that a rise to 24.5 C was a little too much so along with reducing our required comfort level by a degree, I have reduced the tolerance to 1 degree. The radiators were warmer last night and this morning than we have been used to so Homely was obviously raising the LWT though I feel sure this will settle down in time. Having lowered the comfort level and tightened the tolerance, I think it will be nearer the LWT of 38 degrees C that I had set manually. (It was this high as I was still fiddling with the other parameters on the slope having only just started to see some colder weather for the first time since installation mid-February.) Homely should deal with all these factors now and I look forward to staedy temperatures and low consumption!

We have the heating on 24/7 and I have now re-fitted a Hive TRV in our bedroom set to reduce the temperature overnight - leaving the rest of the house to build a thermal store overnight at cheapest rates ready for the following day; only time will tell if this is a good plan! As yet, I do not have access to the installer’s app which will provide data from the D-Comm unit, this I hope to arrange when the rep from Homely returns from leave and provides me with a password soon. I think that Homely wish to keep a close watch on this system as there aren’t many such installations as yet. More news when fit to print! Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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The homely has been installed for just over a fortnight now and is settling in; the temperature variation tends to be within 0.2 degrees most of the time. I am unable to say whether the algorithms used are reducing energy consumption as I only have milder weather experiences to gauge it by as the system was installed in mid-Feb. I have noticed that the radiators are rarely cold or warmer than might be expected and that a moderate temperature prevails perhaps 85-90 % of the time now. There are a few things to be tidied up still and I am to expect an update to be carried out on Moday/Tuesday over the network. Evergreen Homely are being very responsive to my questions and suggestions and I have been promised access to the monitoring software so that I can see all that installers and Evergreen see. Evergreen spotted a ‘blip’ in the communication from the temperature node and suspect that the button cell might be problematical; a replacement cell was ‘UPS’d’ to me in a huge box (safety regs) and this has now been swapped. I appreciate the attention to details; that blip was only a second or less in duration and spotted amongst all the data over about 7 days! More in due course… Regards, Toodles. 

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Homely ‘phoned me yesterday to see how I felt now the Homely smart controller had settled in and is managing the system nicely. I explained that I had swapped to OE Cosy tariff but could find no settings in the smart+ plans for Cosy; they are on the way but for now, they will swap me over to that tariff from their end; I had a confirmation email this morning to say this had been done for me. So if you use Cosy and have a Homely, they can set those parameters for you. I’m still awaiting access to the performance data that installers can see but that is ‘in hand;;-) Regards, Toodles 

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@toodles this sounds really good. Who knows, this might wake up the installer/manufacturer world to its proper responsibilities. Open : Honest : Customer : Service.

i have no idea what the premium cost of Homely is but it sounds like it should be the service-minimum we should all be getting.

thanks for posting this.

edit : forgot one word “Responsive” does anyone have another single word?



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@sunandair I noted that during the Cosy hours, Homely set the heat pump to a slightly higher temperature to ‘charge the house battery’ and at the end of the Cosy period, the pump reduced power again. In my own case, this doesn’t make a huge difference as the Powerwalls keep me in power outside of the Cosy dips. However, what power the pump uses during those 6 hours per day doesn’t have to go through a 10% loss in a round trip into and out of the battery and the demand ‘out of hours’ when the battery is needed will be a little lower anyway. Win-Win really! Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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hi toodles, seeing as you have daikin you might know, i was noticing frost symbol at 8deg OAT, but since i have discovered oil return function has same symbol. What is the oil return mode?

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@newhouse87 Hello Newhouse8, I’m afraid that abbreviations often befuddle my little bear’s brain. I am unsure of the meaning of ‘OIL’ (beyond that of a lubricant anyway!) I have an MMI on my system and I cannot say I have seen mention of this term anywhere. Is this something to do with a defrost cycle perhaps? I have not seen any mention in the Homely literature either. Sorry but if you could enlighten me, I look again. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

@newhouse87 Hello Newhouse8, I’m afraid that abbreviations often befuddle my little bear’s brain. I am unsure of the meaning of ‘OIL’ (beyond that of a lubricant anyway!) I have an MMI on my system and I cannot say I have seen mention of this term anywhere. Is this something to do with a defrost cycle perhaps? I have not seen any mention in the Homely literature either. Sorry but if you could enlighten me, I look again. Regards, Toodles.

Its in the operation manual, the page where it tells you what the symbols mean. Also in running mode tab on my low temp split altherma2, it has defrost/oil return on when this is happening. Maybe @derek-m may have knowledge.


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Posted by: @newhouse87

Posted by: @toodles

@newhouse87 Hello Newhouse8, I’m afraid that abbreviations often befuddle my little bear’s brain. I am unsure of the meaning of ‘OIL’ (beyond that of a lubricant anyway!) I have an MMI on my system and I cannot say I have seen mention of this term anywhere. Is this something to do with a defrost cycle perhaps? I have not seen any mention in the Homely literature either. Sorry but if you could enlighten me, I look again. Regards, Toodles.

Its in the operation manual, the page where it tells you what the symbols mean. Also in running mode tab on my low temp split altherma2, it has defrost/oil return on when this is happening. Maybe @derek-m may have knowledge.


Sorry, don't know what oil they may be referencing.


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@derek-m https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1048803/Daikin-Ftx25jvea9.html?page=133

Found this Derek, i don't really understand it. It seems to do this function, originally thought it was defrosting but OAT 10deg today and it happened. BUH1 also is on during it. Doesnt last long  or use much energy.


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