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PV without battery storage?

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@heat-pump-newbie If you have something like an iBoost and the ability to rearrange your consumption, you can consume a large part of your generation.  I manage ~75%.

One problem is if the iBoost is retrofitted to a conventional tank with a top element only.  That limits me to around 6 kWh before the top of the tank is entirely heated.  I circumvent that by doing laundry in late morning and filling the washing machine drum with hot water to free up capacity.  This trick also allows me to use cheaper gas heated water in the washing machine in winter rather than have the washing machine element heat the water.

The other trick is to dry washing indoors on racks in the conservatory while also running a dehumidifier.  For each kWh I consume dehumidifying, I condense 2 kWh worth of water from my measurements and also avoid dumping the energy straight out of the house like with a tumble dryer so it serves as space heating. (I find running it in continuous mode gets better energy efficiency).

A reason I am considering batteries now is that diversion has only gained me the price of gas (which was around 3-4 p/kWh but much higher now) rather than its value as electricity.


This post was modified 3 years ago by ronin92

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