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@Morgan, then you should definitely be taken to the last unread post. Very odd. I'll ask the developers of the software if they have any ideas or thoughts.

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That's the issue.  On the main forum page I am taken to the LAST unread post.  I want to be taken to the first unread post. I'm being taken to the last post full stop.

However if, from the main forum page, I click on 'Unread Posts' at the top of the page and click on a thread (has 'new' icon) I am always taken to the very first post in the thread even though I've read the first 1/2/3/4, or whatever, pages.

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I've become quite active since I stopped lurking by trying to look at the simple things on questions from people struggling with costs etc running their new ASHPs. 

@editor would a wiki space or even just a sticky for perhaps easy wins like not running an ASHP like a gas boiler by lowering flow temps, turning on weather comp be possible? I know there's a lot more to it, but the number of people we see here and elsewhere who just try to run at 60C for a few hours per day and are shocked that a) it doesn't heat their homes and b) it costs the earth to run is both shocking and really hard to deal with on a case-by-case basis.

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@oswiu, I'm happy to look into that. Stickies are semi-helpful and many people miss them when searching for answers on the forums.

I'd be quite interested in creating a sticky post that links to dedicated articles on the various subjects you've mentioned. That could work – I'd need anyone interested in writing pieces to contact me, and I'd happily publish that content (credited to the author) on the main site, linking the content to a sticky forum post on general advice/guidance. That might be a good solution.

If anyone's willing to contribute an article on a subject related to heat pump efficiency, running costs, tips, tweaks, etc. please drop me an email:

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Posted by: @editor

Stickies are semi-helpful and many people miss them when searching for answers on the forums.

The trouble with stickies is that each one means one fewer current discussion on the front page and the first page of each section, which is already low here at 5 or 6, instead of the 20-30 on most forums I use.

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