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When do you turn your heat pump off?

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At what external temperature do you turn your heat pump off and remain comfortable inside?

I'm running our ASHP on full weather compensation, but there must be a point that it becomes unnecessary to heat the house and I'd like to set the controller to deactivate the system when this external temperature is reached to minimise electricity use.

Alternatively, I could revert to using zoned thermostats to heat rooms on demand in this period. I have a feeling full weather compensation will be less efficient because it won't be necessary to run the system 24/7 as we move into March/April...


This topic was modified 2 years ago by webcmg

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Ours does hot water, so it's never turned completely off.

When the heating isn't needed probably depends on how good your insulation is. Once it gets to 12° outdoors, we probably don't need it.

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Once the warmer months arrive I don't switch off but just set the thermostat back to 14C and the system "sleeps" through the summer doing the occasional hot water top up when the solar thermal hasn't quite got the tank up to temperature yet. The tricky part is " when are the warmer months"? Last year I set it for 1st May and had to quickly revise that as the garden was white with frost and in fact it turned out downright cold with overnight frosts until well into June.  It can be a wee bit chilly on this exposed NE Scotland hill. I am aiming for the 1st May again this year more in hope than expectation! I might have to look out the thermals.



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