Vaillant system twe...
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Vaillant system tweaking.

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Good Afternoon All,


As we are now entering into the cooler part of the year, I have started to investigate the settings on our heating further.   


We have the following.  

ASHP - VWL 75/6 A 230V S2.  Sensocomfort VRC 720F downstairs, Sensocomfort VRC 92f upstairs.  VR71 with gateway and VWZ AI VWL MB2 controller for the heat pump. Outside sensors also there for weather comp

Downstairs is Zone 1 - UFH with 4 zones.  All controllers feeding into a microcenter EZC-12-4. Heat curve 0.7

Upstairs is Zone 2 - Rads. Heatcurve 1.2

It all appears to be working.  Both upstairs and downstairs are in manual mode.  Upstairs is temp controlled from the VRC92F, down stairs is being controlled by the individual room sensors, the VRC 720F is still there but doesn't directly control the heating downstairs.  

Adaptive heat curve is ? Activated.  Is this the best setup for what we have?  

With the downstairs still set to heating rather than fixed temp, where does the system take its internal temp reading from, the VRC720F???  


Basically, are we running the system as efficiently as we can?  I know we are technically in the settling in period, and adjustments are ongoing, but does it look like we are doing everything correctly?  


Thanks for all your assistance and knowledge, this site is brilliant.  

Many thanks




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assuming everything is vaillant, (you have used obscure nomenclature) the the rads should be compensated not fixed.


I suspect  you are in installer configuration?


I can’t remember what the options are, but the zone needs to be assigned and activated obviously.


weather compensation with indooor modulation is optimum.. I would not select extended room control with a heat pump though


The only way to use heat gerenators optimally is with weather compensation, and constant running pumps..


turn the vaillant controls  up and down, and but don’t turn off



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Hi Alec,

Thanks for the reply.  Sorry, everything is Vaillant apart from the UFH central unit, and the room stats down stairs.  

Slowly getting there.  Thanks everyone.  


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Posted by: @drew-pa

Good Afternoon All,


As we are now entering into the cooler part of the year, I have started to investigate the settings on our heating further.   


We have the following.  

ASHP - VWL 75/6 A 230V S2.  Sensocomfort VRC 720F downstairs, Sensocomfort VRC 92f upstairs.  VR71 with gateway and VWZ AI VWL MB2 controller for the heat pump. Outside sensors also there for weather comp

Downstairs is Zone 1 - UFH with 4 zones.  All controllers feeding into a microcenter EZC-12-4. Heat curve 0.7

Upstairs is Zone 2 - Rads. Heatcurve 1.2

It all appears to be working.  Both upstairs and downstairs are in manual mode.  Upstairs is temp controlled from the VRC92F, down stairs is being controlled by the individual room sensors, the VRC 720F is still there but doesn't directly control the heating downstairs.  

Adaptive heat curve is ? Activated.  Is this the best setup for what we have?  

With the downstairs still set to heating rather than fixed temp, where does the system take its internal temp reading from, the VRC720F???  


Basically, are we running the system as efficiently as we can?  I know we are technically in the settling in period, and adjustments are ongoing, but does it look like we are doing everything correctly?  


Thanks for all your assistance and knowledge, this site is brilliant.  

Many thanks




Hi, I've got a Vaillant so interested in responses to this.

One question I have is - can you have different heatcurves for different Zones? Wouldn't that confuse the ASHP or have I got that wrong (still learning). I've got two zones - but advice I've seen elsewhere is to just treat the house as one big zone. 

This video may help you too


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Hi Andy,

I know my controller shows two different curves.  As I mention above we have UFH downstairs and Rads upstairs.  Couldn't tell you how it adjusts to the situation where both zones are running though.  

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@andygo the heat pump or boiler works to the highest temperature..I have a vaillant install with 8 different curves!


A vaillant controlled electronic mixing valve lowers the temperature of the lower zones..

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Hello again all,

So our system had been running for a few weeks as described above.   The other morning I heard the unit running for a very long time.  Out of curiosity I got up and checked the controller.  I found the heat curve had adjusted itself for the rads upstairs to 0.5 from 1.2.  Is this typical?  I would have expected it to stay at above 1.0 all the time.  

had anyone seen this before?  

many thanks,



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yes perfectly correct.. you really need to concentrate on the room temperature not what the pump does, you will find it disconcerting!


trchnicall the floating curve just reflects the characteristics of the building!





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