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Treating your heat pump against rust

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Graham Hendra posted an interesting piece today about treating your heat pump annually with ACF50 to prevent it from rusting:  

It's actually an interesting point. Our ASHP is now 3 years old with no signs of rust, but I guess the casing is going to start degrading in time – how are all your heat pumps ageing?

Never heard go ACF50 ( prior to this post either. Looks like interesting stuff. Any one else used ACF50?

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Posted by: @editor

Graham Hendra posted an interesting piece today about treating your heat pump annually with ACF50 to prevent it from rusting.

It's actually an interesting point. Our ASHP is now 3 years old with no signs of rust, but I guess the casing is going to start degrading in time – how are all your heat pumps ageing?

Never heard go ACF50 prior to this post either. Looks like interesting stuff. Any one else used ACF50?

Yup, it's very common and well thought of in motorcycle circles. When I rode/commuted year-round I used it to good effect on the bikes. Good idea.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Kev M

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@kev-m, thanks. I’ve never heard of it. Will get a can and give it a go.

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A quick heads up from a motorcyclist of 30 years - and an 30 yr Industrial Chemist.

ACF50 is amazing stuff and I've used nothing else for decades. However - I AVOID direct onto electrical parts on motorcycles, e.g., connectors. Seen a few issues from this over the years, (mostly older connectors mind). Oh and if using on bikes, motorbikes DO NOT SPRAY ONTO BRAKE DISCS. You'll get a nasty suprise if you do (You wont stop - at all!).

Putting the chemist hat on for a mo - The safety sheets for this stuff don't do it justice IMHO.(see below).

They just talk about eye safety mostly. I use gloves, glasses, washable overall and apply in well ventilated area and don't breathe the smoke when it burns off exhaust. 

The stuff is full of various length hydrocarbons in an Ingredient called "Hydrotreated Oils CAS 72623-85-9" Its a real mix of hydrocarbon chains and a Cat1 Carcinogen. The Clue is in the Carc. 1B H350 in table 3.2 And in section 16.

H372: causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure

H350: may cause cancer

Net, contact / breathing should be avoided for obvious reasons - so dont use it like hairspray.

I personally AVOID the aerosol - and buy the paint on version instead - more application precision (cheaper too in long run).

Does it work?.....  - you betcha - beyond anythign else you can buy - its expensive but worth it.

But PLEASE be careful in application and avoiding contact.


Edited for typos




This post was modified 3 years ago by Smoke me a Kipper


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