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Totally bewildered with my ECO4 heat pump installation

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Posted by: @dwynwen

The inspector who called said he was independent, not connected in any way to contractors.

That's encouraging. Does he (or whoever he works for) also have any clout? That said, an independent report of itself has some clout.

Have a look at your contract with your installer (which I believe you do have) to see what it has to say if anything about redecorating, making good and remedial works. I am not sure what the law is on this (100% grants) because normally a contract involves an exchange (this for that) and in the case of a 100% grant there is no this for that with the occupier/end user but I can't see why it can't be argued in law that you are a party to the contract (if not, the law is an ass) and therefore can claim breach of contract. If the contract is silent, then the law is likely to look at what is reasonable/common practice, but that makes the whole process more burdensome, probably not what you want right now.

Like others, I urge you not to give up prematurely on this. You are probably 90-95% of the way towards having a system that works tolerably if not well. By all means take a break to recover your energies, but meanwhile don't lose sight of the one about throwing the baby out with the bathwater! Or should that be the one about throwing toys out of the pram?!?

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@jamespa thank you! Lots to think about and consider. I’ll read and re-read, digest, and then hopefully, start the process tomorrow. Will keep you posted.

I’m very grateful to you all! 🙏

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Posted by: @dwynwen

Probably going off the subject but I keep reading about Hive, no idea what that is. 

It's a 'smart' thermostat system, these are generally best avoided with heat pumps because they tend to fight the heat pump's controls. Homely is probably an exception, but it goes further than being 'plain' smart. But first you need to get the basics right, balanced open system and running on weather compensation.

balanced open system = no TRVs, nothing to get in the way of flow round the system, radiators balanced to heat all rooms

running on weather compensation = no timer control, no room stat control, just run on weather ie outside air temp controlling the system, heating system gets more heat in cold weather, less heat in warm weather. Samsung calls weather compensation something else (Water Law?), but it is the same thing.   

This post was modified 2 months ago by cathodeRay

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW


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@toodles thank you!

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@jaynieq Thanks, don't think knowledge and expertise can replace kindness.

It is the potential cost that scares me as well. Also I know that the contractor will make no effort to optimise performance if it costs anything. 

Eco4 had demoralised me, caused some sleepless nights, but the help offered here is getting me back on track. 

Think I have no choice except to try and make it work now.

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Posted by: @dwynwen

I know that the contractor will make no effort to optimise performance if it costs anything.

He is legally required to.

A failure to commission the system such that it uses as little power-input as can be reasonably achieved would be a breach of Building Regulations Part-L.

You will have evidence of that because the system optimisation will be one of the steps on the Commissioning Form.

Part L 8a

You are not expected to know all this stuff.

We do know the regulations, and can hand-hold you through this process.

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@cathoderay Think there is another saying which I find quite gruesome - cutting off you nose to spite your face, not sure I understand but you are correct, the actual heating  installation is ready to go. It is other things that need attention.

I have no contract, no work schedule, they weren't sent until job well underway. By then it was apparent that speed and minimising costs were the main criteria so I didn't sign, still haven't.


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@transparent Thanks, will ask when needed.

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Posted by: @dwynwen

The inspector who called said he was independent, not connected in any way to contractors.

Do you know which organisation this inspector was from or who sent him?

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@editor Sorry don't think he said.

His first name was REDACTED, can't remember surname.

He said he had come from REDACTED. Think he was wearing a navy blue fleece with a small round blue and red logo. He was very polite, pleasant.

Time for some detective work.

This post was modified 2 months ago by JamesPa

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@cathoderay It is the only part of the Hive system (by British Gas) that I use now; the whole system was originally controlling my gas boiler. The Hive system consisted of a controller / programmer, hub and TRV’s’ later BG added things like door cameras and window sensors etc. I still need the hub as the TRV’s are controlled via wi-fi (and in my case a repeater or two as the thick walls block/weaken the signals). Just the one TRV on the bedroom radiator, it acts as a limiter for a south west facing window with solar gain and for nigh time cooler running. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @dwynwen

they [contract, work schedule] weren't sent until job well underway

But surely that means you do now have them? What do they say (if anything) about making good?

The inspector's report - do you not have a copy of that? If not, please ask for a copy! And who instructed (and paid for?) the inspector and his report?



Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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