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The ASHP industry is not helping itself.

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@phil8322 I’m surprised the climate committee suggested H2 for cold climates, H2 has a much lower energy content than say methane CH4. 
That’s one of the reason why only 20% H2 in gas pipes. As above this, can’t get the flow and calorific value. 
Plus got all the losses in H2 generation 

Daikin Altherma 3H HT 12kWh ASHP with Mixergy h/w cylinder; 4kW solar PV with Solic 200 electric diverter; Honda e and new Hyundai Ioniq 5 N electric vehicles with Myenergi Zappi mk1 charger

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I agree hydrogen is likely to be very difficult to roll out widely anywhere, the climate change committee are very unlikely however to consider methane as an option in any sense. The ccc really promote and advocate retrofit and air source heat pumps for the majority of property types. Reference the noise situation of air source heat pumps I think people need to see other countries, just google Hong Kong’s monster building, those heat pumps are so close to each other and compacted together. Of course not a race to the bottom and they are more used for cooling but still are old noise emitting systems which people get on with.

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Posted by: @morgan

Bl**dy disgrace!

I think they'd describe this as capitalism at its very best.

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Posted by: @julianc

@editor Hi Mars do you have any links that show European ASHPs are 50% cheaper than UK installations?  My research shows Daikin prices are similar Euro to GBP. It is difficult to compare like for like as they get called different product names. So I’m just comparing similar sized power units. 
When you add in all the components, design, buffer tank, h/w cylinder, I think the UK is very comparable to European installation 

I don't have links to data - my information comes predominantly from conversations I've had on social media platforms with users in Europe that have shared prices points with me from their respective countries. I did see a report from about five years ago that showcased this - I'll see if I can dig it up.

I should have mentioned in my comment that not all manufacturers are ramping up prices. The problem is there are a lot of companies that buy white label ASHPs and then slap their logos on them and market pumps in different countries under different brand names - same pump, same tech, different brand with different pricing for that market. This happens a lot in IT circles and FMCG, so probably not surprising that it goes in the heating (and AC) world. 

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As I said weeks ago, whenever there is any form of subsidy, the vendors will bump up the prices to whatever they think the consumer will pay.

I remember when I was living and working in Pakistan, I could buy duracell batteries for a fraction of the price in the UK. That is because the cost of living in Pakistan at the time was about 1/20 th of that in the UK.

In Pakistan we used to barter for lots of things, maybe we should start doing that more often in the UK.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Derek M

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Posted by: @editor
Posted by: @morgan

Bl**dy disgrace!

I think they'd describe this as capitalism at its very best.


Similarly it could be described as robbery.


Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.


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@morgan, it's always been like this.  Look at the price of cars; they are normally the same number in $/£ despite the exchange rate. 

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@kev-m, which is kind of crazy. Same thing with iPhones. Brits always seem to pay more, penalising the favourable exchange rate.

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The only thing the companies seem to agree on is, that with their estimates, my bills would almost double.

With the uncertainty that all this has provided, the huge installation cost, no guarantee that the house will be warm and the extra running costs,  I will be installing a gas boiler and hope it lasts long enough that the technology to heat homes, and the companies that install it are a bit more mature.

Thank you for the help you have provided.

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Hi Foggy,

I cannot dispute your decision to stick with gas for the time being, since I did exactly the same thing myself, though rather than replace our old gas boiler I managed to effect a repair.

Since you have a solar PV system, there are still ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint.

You don't say if you have a hot water cylinder with immersion heater and a diverter unit. If you have the former but not the latter, I would suggest that you consider installing a diverter unit to provide hot water from Spring through to Autumn, and hence reducing your gas consumption.

I also installed an Air to Air ASHP, to provide both heating and cooling when there is excess generation from my solar PV system. This also helps to reduce my gas consumption.

It is still possible to do ones bit for the environment without going down the route of an Air to Water ASHP.

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@foggy, an understandable choice.  I will tell anyone who asks gas is about half the price of an ASHP to install and run.  If my house had gas CH I would not have even thought about changing to an ASHP so well done for even considering it!

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Posted by: @derek-m

Hi Foggy,

I cannot dispute your decision to stick with gas for the time being, since I did exactly the same thing myself, though rather than replace our old gas boiler I managed to effect a repair.

Since you have a solar PV system, there are still ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint.

You don't say if you have a hot water cylinder with immersion heater and a diverter unit. If you have the former but not the latter, I would suggest that you consider installing a diverter unit to provide hot water from Spring through to Autumn, and hence reducing your gas consumption

The gas boiler was at least 30 years old, so parts were no longer available.

I have got a hot water tank with a power diverter, so the boiler is switched off during the summer, saving money and reducing emissions.


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