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Power cuts, batteries and heat pumps

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@transparent thanks.  It sounds like you are someone with expert knowledge of the system.

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I have a partnership agreement with National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) who hold the licence for four of the distribution regions, but not yours unfortunately.

I have access to their data and map systems, and I can obtain live data from a number of transformers.
That enables me to better understand the operating characteristics of the grid.


I'm also in communication with a number of Councillors across all 3 levels of local government nationally.
So I'm well used to providing them with information of what's going on with the grid in their area.

We've moved from an electricity supply system with a few dozen massive generation sites connected to the 400kV Transmission Grid,
to a system with thousands of sites exporting to the Distribution Grid from renewable energy sources.



That creates a scenario whereby local Community Energy groups can be very effective at achieving efficiencies within their community.

The starting point is usually a conversation in the village pub, or making contact with a couple of local councillors.
In your case, the opening topic would presumably be the recent power cuts.

The more remote/rural you are, the greater likelihood of success with a Community Energy initiative.

Have a look at the Renewable Energy Planning Database mapping tool, maintained on behalf of DESNZ.
Here's your area. You can click on a pin to see what's around you.



Then go to the website for the National Energy Systems Operator (NESO) who now run all electricity, gas and heat networks for GB.
You can see the dominant electricity flow for everywhere in Britain is towards London:



The more you're able to use that electricity locally for economic regeneration,
the less you will be charged by your DNO for grid upgrades to send it to London.

When commercial generation companies (eg solar farms) are granted a 'connection' to the grid, they are only required to pay towards the upgrade of the Distribution Grid until the next transformer, where the voltage changes. Everything after that must be funded by increased bills.

That's why companies with foreign shareholders are flocking to the British countryside to install renewable energy generation and storage sites.
The Government calls it "attracting overseas investment in our infrastructure".
I call it "public subsidy of foreign companies" who will take their profits outside of UK shores.


This is necessarily an overly-brief explanation of what's going on.
... which needs communicating to your councillors and MPs.


This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by Transparent

Save energy... recycle electrons!

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755 kWhs
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@transparent Thank you, very interesting.


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