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My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

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@derek-m & technogeek


How do I measure Electrical Signals and integrate them with Temperature Sensors ?

Your comment that "It is unclear what your charts are measuring or designed to show." demonstrates the problem that has been apparent from the beginning.

Measurement problems:

I can easily measure, and store , water Temperatures at any given time.

I have many DS18B20 's , K type pipe Clamp Temperature sensors and a Sharky " In Water power" meter.

I also  have flow meters but cannot integrate the flow measurements  Signals with Temperature measurements!

In general , I have no method of measuring Electrical signals , for example Motor relays , Water flow Sensors and integrate them with the temperature sensors.

Fast Signals . eg PWM I can measure , and store in an Oscilloscope but cannot integrate these Files with the Slow Temperature Signals.

Question 1:

How do I measure Electrical Signals and integrate them with Temperature Sensors ?

Oscilloscopes have a completely different Timebase compared to Temperature Sensors.

Question 2:

How do I correlate Relays and motors with Temperature Sensors?

This post was modified 1 day ago by Mars

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Warning: Only perform tests and work on your equipment for which you have been adequately trained and you are deemed competent. Follow all necessary safety procedures.

What Arduino equipment do you have?

Whether a water pump is running or not is a binary state, so could be measured by a digital input on a monitoring device. One way to infer that a water pump is operational would be to monitor the power supply to its motor, but most monitoring equipment would not be capable of accepting a 240v ac input. It would therefore be necessary to use an interposing relay, to separate the 240v ac from a probable low voltage dc signal. A relay with a 240v ac coil connected across the power supply to the water pump would be energised at the same time as the pump. The contacts of the relay could then be used to switch a low voltage dc signal to the monitoring equipment.

An alternative would be to use a flow switch, which again could be used to switch a low voltage dc signal.

The use of temperature sensors at different locations can also be used to infer that water flow is taking place.

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Monitoring AC mains Motors , Relays and Actuator valves on Samsung Heat Pumps.

I have reluctantly, because of  cost,  decided to buy a pair of Oscilloscope Current , CT probes.

Outwith Oscilloscope use ,these can easily, and safely, be  connected to another Arduino dumping data to either a PC or a SD Card.

My Pipe Water Temperature Measurements:

1: In Water Temperature Measurement:

Water Temperatures are most accurately measured using the in Water Power Meters.

The In Water Power meter accurately measures the Water Temperature.

2: K Type Clamp pipe Temperature Measurements:

Water Temperatures can be approximately measured using K type thermocouples mounted on K type pipe clamps.

The K Types Clamps being easily moved to different locations.

All Thermocouples,  suffer from offsets, drift and signal noise.

The Thermocouples here measure ONLY the Temperature of the copper pipe, Not the Water within the pipe.

3: DS18B20 Digital Sensors:

Water Temperatures can be approximately measured using  DS18B20 digital sensors fitted externally to the pipes.

The DS18B20 Sensors provide a fast serial  Digital Temperature Measurement easily accessible from Arduino Micros.

The DS18B20 here measures ONLY the Temperature of the copper pipe, Not the Water within the pipe.

Pipe Water Flow rates:

1: In Water Power Meter:

The In Water Power meters  provide a accurate measurement  of Water Flow Rates using Ultrasonic in -Water Sensors.

This post was modified 1 day ago by Mars

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