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MCS Audit

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An MCS rep called today by arrangement to audit my BUS Grant Aerona3 10kW ASHP installation. Lucky me! Anyone else had a MCS audit?

She seemed OK with it, but the audit was rather brief. Her only comment was location of the ASHP monobloc within 1m of the boundary of the property, and whether a planning application was made. I didn't apply as the boundary abuts a shared access driveway and open space, not a neighbouring property or party wall. Nearest neighbouring house is 8m away, so MCS020 noise compliance calculation was no problem.

Rumour is that the 1m from boundary permitted development planning constraint will be rescinded as it's hindering roll out of ASHP in terraced and more dense housing areas.

The auditor only seemed concerned with the physical install of the outdoor unit, indoor system tank & upgraded emitters, plus MCS handover certification. They were not remotely bothered about the system commissioning and control. That seems an oversight, as without correct commissioning and control, the MCS predicted SCOP performance estimate will never be realised.

My installers did an excellent job in all respects save one - commissioning and control. They tried their damnedest to control it like the oil boiler they ripped out!


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I was audited in 2022 and boy was it thorough! Had to supply copies of every important document from the EPC to proof of ownership of the property. The inspection part was also quite detailed with photos taken of all the equipment and installation and of the controller settings. all in all a good going over. My installer also requested a Napit inspection of his work after installation to reassure me that it had been done his expense. He likes to keeps his customers happy. It was an excellent job so nothing was found amiss by either audit.

Mitsubishi's service team did find a small plumbing issue which they rectified FOC when they inspected for the warranty service. It was a small cloakroom radiator that had been plumbed return-return! I had never noticed!

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Posted by: @abernyte

Had to supply copies of every important document from the EPC to proof of ownership of the property.

It seems a bit strange that the customer has to supply these. Surely the installer should have seen and copied these; their audit success should not be tied to your ability to keep random bits of paper (of varying importance).

Posted by: @abernyte

radiator that had been plumbed return-return

Ooof, would not happen in a manifold radiator system!


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I think the audit is tied to your RHI payments so it is your responsibility to satisfy them. The first part was a desk audit which involved the upload of all the documents and photos and a questionnaire then the second part was an audit visit.  But you are correct some of the documentation I had to rake for, the original heat survey and installers quotation for the work took a wee bit of finding!

To be fair the radiator plumbing was in a very awkward access spot the the right tail was there, he had just missed it!


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