LG Therma V R32 Mon...
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LG Therma V R32 Monobloc. Setup advice inc flow temperature & weather compensation

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Hi Tim

On my system Auto mode is near the bottom of the list of about 12 options in Installer mode: ThinQ isn't needed. My system is about 9 months old and the number on the controller is 3.06.3a

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@orest  thanks. 

Seems to me that my older controller & software is the difference and the way I can adjust settings is more clunky and less visual. So be it! Would be nice if instructions referred to software levels etc.

If I can get weather compensation working as hoped I'll be happy. Early signs are encouraging but I suspect I need to monitor... and tweak.

Listed Grade 2 building with large modern extension.
LG Therma V 16kw ASHP
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(First post)

<Main+Boost heater ON> or <Boost heater only ON>

I have a 12kW LG monobloc installed late last year in a large 1990s bungalow with no UFH and the radiators inherited from a gas boiler. After an expensive first couple of months, I managed to find and decipher the installer manual sufficiently to adjust my weather compensation, reduce the flow temperature, and increase the run time, very much in line with the ideas above. Since then, space heating has been reasonably efficient and we don't freeze. My ASHP energy use over the winter (including the immersion) is as follows (kWh)

Nov 469
Dec 857 !
Jan 700
Feb 534
Mar 491
Apr 234

As we go into May, with the CH more or less switched off, and running at about 4-5 kWh / day I'm focussing more on DHW. In particular I'd like to be able to use the heat pump to heat the tank at specific times of day, driven by my tariff and the likely availability of solar power. I haven't found any way so far to set a schedule (apart for the weekly legionella flashing) , and would welcome advice on this.

In addition, I agree with most of the settings above, but I don't understand why you have set the "Heater priority" to <Boost heater only ON>. I haven't tested yet, but feels like that would use the immersion heater rather than the ASHP for all DHW heating? If not that, then what does this setting do exactly - I'm certainly not clear from the manual or the YouTube video.



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@glynh isn't this what you are asking?

DHW Boost Mode: The hot water should be set 50°C This is sufficient for normal hot water usage. Should you require
more hot water at a particular time (lots of showers etc.) you can ‘BOOST’ the temperature of the hot water temporarily.
This is done by holding the ‘Back’ button for 3 seconds while the hot water bubble is centralised on the screen.
When Boost mode is activated a lightning symbol will appear beside the shower head.
The immersion heater will then be used to get the tank to 60°C, once this is achieved
the unit will automatically return to normal operation



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Thank you, useful to know but not what I was after!

The functionality you mention is accessed through the user menu on the thermostat. I'm asking about a specific setting (called "Heater priority") in the LG installer menu which (I think) governs the way in which the unit uses the heat pump and the immersion heater together in everyday operation. Some people on the thread have recommended setting this a certain way, and I'd like to understand their reasoning.

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@fazel ahhhh! have to say I did not know that! thanks for explaining - i don't think I've seen it in any manual

@glynh I had set boost function to "ON" as it seemed recommended - but did not know what it did or how to use it!!

I run my hot water at just 43 deg - which seems fine as we have a large tank and just 2 of us in the house... its fine for bath even as we still have to add a bit of cold. And raise it up to 50 deg if we have guests.

That boost function should be a useful option as well

Listed Grade 2 building with large modern extension.
LG Therma V 16kw ASHP
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Thanks both.

We run ours at 49 normally, as all our HW pipe runs are long. What I would like to do though, is to set different demand temperatures at different times of day in order to utilise my tariff and solar generation more efficiently. I cant see any obvious way to automate that atm.

This post was modified 2 years ago by GlynH

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Posted by: @glynh

My ASHP energy use over the winter (including the immersion) is as follows (kWh)

Nov 469
Dec 857 !
Jan 700
Feb 534
Mar 491
Apr 234

@glynh In case it makes you feel any better I think my usage is more than double yours!

I've only recently started keeping detailed records. Previously not on weather compensation and during much of last year we used a hot tub 😱 🤬 

But this year hot tub will only be on in summer months when warmer and good solar production.

Total usage of elec last year was around 13000kwh. Hoping to get under 10000 this year


This post was modified 2 years ago by Tim441

Listed Grade 2 building with large modern extension.
LG Therma V 16kw ASHP
Underfloor heating + Rads
8kw pv solar
3 x 8.2kw GivEnergy batteries
1 x GivEnergy Gen1 hybrid 5.0kw inverter
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@tim441 Sadly my figures were just the power for the ASHP. We also have a hot tub, an AAHP in a different part of the house, PIH car and an Everhot range cooker so all in all we are very heavy users. To compensate, I now have a reasonable solar PV array, a battery, and I've just bought a share of Ripple Energy's latest cooperative to cover some more of our consumption. Much of this is new, as we moved into a new home last year which featured a 30 YO oil boiler at one end of the house, and electric rads at the other.

Like you, I'm now gathering as much detailed data as I can so that I can eliminate waste wherever possible. The hot tub is an interesting one though, as we actually use it most on cold, dark clear nights in winter. You can get a bespoke ASHP for hot tubs, but I think first of all I need to improve insulation as far as I can, maybe by building another box around the cabinet. 




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@fazel I've tried to use boost as you describe. I can get it to come on by pressing back button & get lightning symbol. 

However it has stayed on for relatively short period. I think in my case the "Boost" only gets DHW back up to the set temp (in my case just 43deg) and not 60deg.

Not sure if there are other settings I need to review.

I will try a further test by setting the required temp higher and see if Boost then forces an immersion heat to get there faster than if left to ashp

Listed Grade 2 building with large modern extension.
LG Therma V 16kw ASHP
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@glynh I'm also taking ashp usage readings now but guess we will not get any meaningful comparisons for some time - probably into next year.

Our hot tub is just a lay z spa so extra inefficient! Partly wanted to try that to help decide whether to invest in permanent "proper" one. Leaning against that based on  our usage and more importantly the running cost. 

This summer I will add extra ''ThermaWrap" insulation in the cover and use once night temps don't fall so much and we have more solar power. Perhaps mid June to end Aug. I don't think I can add meaningful insulation around outside as it's only temporary. 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Tim441

Listed Grade 2 building with large modern extension.
LG Therma V 16kw ASHP
Underfloor heating + Rads
8kw pv solar
3 x 8.2kw GivEnergy batteries
1 x GivEnergy Gen1 hybrid 5.0kw inverter
Manual changeover EPS

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@tim441 My experience with Lay Z Spa is quite positive, in that it’s practical to set it up and use it frequently for a short period, then empty it and put it away for a few months. Not so true with  the permanent one. That said, we’ve had a permanent spa for a long time. It has become a normal part of life, and it would be hard to let in go. 

The good news is, I have solved my DHW scheduling problem. There was no problem: the exact functionality I wanted (different DHW temps or DHW off at different times of day) is easily available. I was looking for ways of doing this in the Installer menu but  (as you probably knew? ) it was hiding in plain sight in the user settings menu. I needed this to allow me to use more cheap rate power using the new Octopus Flux tariff which I am trying for the summer. Now all in place. 

This post was modified 2 years ago by GlynH

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