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In the middle of an ASHP installation - a few questions (and issues)

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@gary and toodles thanks both that is useful. As you say, looks like early part of last year. It has marks and dirt on it, and label isn’t fresh, which aroused my supsicions.

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@benson This is just a quick ‘n’ dirty pic of my Homely module. Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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I’ll try again…

IMG 6102



Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.


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Thanks for posting the QR code @toodles

Does that link go to the instructions?
Or might I actually gain access to your personal Homely account?  😋 

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@transparent To the Homely website hackerchewerly. Now if you want my account details to pay in for me….😉 Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Hi all. 

Some progress today. A few minor issues sorted, and a new homely hub and node provided. I didn't quite expect the app to be set up as it is, with limited end user functionality and diagnostics and this all seems to be with the installer. I do wonder what would happen if the installer ceases to trade? Not least because of the issues we've had I am a little apprehensive but guess the clivet wall mounted display we have would be able to provide the relevant info as well?

I don't suppose anyone knows if there is any way to get the diagnostics/efficiency info that the installer has access to?

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Posted by: @benson

I don't suppose anyone knows if there is any way to get the diagnostics/efficiency info that the installer has access to?

Manufacturers will usually be able to grant access to new installers. Can you remind what brand you’ve had installed? Is it a Clivet?

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@benson I have the Homely controller which was set up in November of last year; mine was possibly the first Daikin EDLA03 type ASHP + secondary pump installation carried out and as such Evergreen Energy were taking a particular interest in the job. I spoke with their sales engineer (subsequently moved on) who granted me permission to access the performance dashboard. Though I am regarded as an ‘installer’ on their records, I only use the dashboard to view performance data. I have not attempted to use the engineer’s controls to tweak my system. (all the control I need is in the app [IOS] anyway.)

BTW, subject to whatever errors the Daikin equipment measurements introduce, I regularly see a COP of ~4.5 - 5.5; to keep our 4 bedroomed semi to 22.5 degrees C. 24/7 has not gone above 12kWh’s per day yet this autumn and the highest I saw was late November / early December last year when we experienced -7 or -8 degrees C for a few days when consumption rose to ~40 kWh’s in a day.

Now I did suggest EverGreen/Homely might consider making the dashboard information available to end-users but the reply indicated they were not keen on doing this as it could result in installers receiving unnecessary calls due to users possibly mis-interpreting what they saw on the dashboard.

May I suggest you contact their technical team and suggest that being able to view the performance data on the dashboard that the installer can see would be very informative to the end user and that you promise not to pester your installer with trivial enquiries? Surely, the app can incorporate the dashboard data without having to be the full installer’s app?😉 Regards, a very comfortable Toodles.

This post was modified 5 months ago by Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@editor yes it is the Clivet we went for.

@toodles- thank you. That is most helpful. I will speak to the installer first but second port of call will be Homely. They did call me back in the end in fairness following a voicemail, to confirm when the 2nd(?) gen hub and node were released and they said it was around a year or so ago.

Anyway aside from the final commissioning/balancing we are almost done. I went ballistic at the company director on Tuesday regarding the repeated issues. The two chaps who turned up on Friday were clearly scared of me as a result and asking me every step of the way whether I was happy, but they finally did a tidy job without me telling me to redo it. Shame it had to come to that.

Now I'm looking at other work they've done prior that I did notice immediately but just didn't have the energy to raise with them with all of the other stuff going on. I don't think that this is an acceptable finish with the insulation sealing?

F2344E42 199F 4F88 9BF9 4B71DAA10764
8CE61A8F BEE1 4E7B A148 8A4B48116887
86DE3402 553D 4E05 BA73 08A137D6C67D
This post was modified 5 months ago by benson


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I'm not too concerned at the ragged untidy finish to the mastic, @benson
but it would be wise to know what it is.

I don't suppose they threw away an empty canister in your bin, did they?

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@benson Pleased to hear that resolution is that much closer now - and I have always found Evergreen very helpful.That mitre looks like a water ingress point to me; were they using a trowel to apply the bonding compound on that vertical pipework?! 😧Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@transparent no I have no idea what it is. It's just so frustratingly lazy to not smooth it a bit instead of just letting it ooze out and set as is. I will ask if they can redo it and show me what they are using.

I've ordered an inhibitor testing kit as well as I didn't see any evidence of them using any, thinking about it, when they refilled the system so I will check that.

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