How to See Ecodan P...
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How to See Ecodan Power Usage

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We have a 14kW Ecodan in our newly built, low-energy all-electric house using the ASHP for all hot water (less boiling tap) and heating - underfloor downstairs only.

I want to know what electric the ASHP is using but can't seem to find out how to see the data on that.

Advice on this welcome please?

Thanks. John

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Posted by: @willen-john

We have a 14kW Ecodan in our newly built, low-energy all-electric house using the ASHP for all hot water (less boiling tap) and heating - underfloor downstairs only.

I want to know what electric the ASHP is using but can't seem to find out how to see the data on that.

Advice on this welcome please?

Thanks. John

Right hand button of the 4 on the main controller once then again to get into the detailed power consumed and delivered readings.


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@kev-m Thanks but that seems to take me to the suitcase icon for holiday date settings?

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Posted by: @willen-john

@kev-m Thanks but that seems to take me to the suitcase icon for holiday date settings?

If you press this

20230912 085141

 you get to this (or at least I do!)


20230912 085208


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This is what I get....

20230912 133215


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You may have a faulty ftc6 controller!?

do you have auto adaptive function?

Thats the “room temperature” option, as opposed to “weather compensation” option.

BDA4FB74 E582 46D8 871C 3E209B17E0BC

the above screen is shown operating in Auto Adaptive mode with a room temp of 19C

My finger is about to press the energy data button. Which should give you this:-

773DFFFE 0710 44AE AAC5 11D9114CB5CA

If you don’t have the energy data information then you probably have a batch fault controller. There are also some which don’t have the auto adaptive/room temp function. A straight swap seems to be all that’s needed. Although why these faulty ones are still getting fitted is beyond comprehension since it should be spotted as soon as the unit is operated for commissioning purposes.

curious: we’re you told to only operate in weather compensation mode? Or any other limiting advice?


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Thanks. I need to know how to work out if my controller is working properly. 

The heating is on weather comp mode as advised by my installer. Since moving in in March, the heating hasn't actually come on with room stats all set at 19`. I 

20230916 111349
20230916 111344
20230916 111333

t was used during the build to help dry screed, plaster, paint etc. 

I've tried to attach a video of button presses on the controller but the filetype can't be uploaded. 

Still can't see how to access power usage? 

Thanks. John

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Posted by: @willen-john

Thanks. I need to know how to work out if my controller is working properly. 

The heating is on weather comp mode as advised by my installer.

I can see from your last picture above that you are indeed set on Weather Compensation. 

looking at your last picture your left hand button, when pressed, lets you cycle through the various room heating options.

  1. Is primary flow temp only
  2. Is weather compensation 
  3. Is Room Temperature auto adaptation  

so my question above was:

Do you have this 3rd option to select when you press the heating option button?

if you do not have the Auto Adaptation option then you do appear to have a ftc6 controller that isn’t fully functioning.

picture 1 showing  Primary Flow water temperature as the room heating mode.(Heating icon shows image of water droplet and thermometer )

5D7EC54F DBC5 4FB5 B1BF 2F2C73F56B5D


picture 2 showing Heating in weather compensation mode showing WC curve in the Heating icon 

A21F6FD1 88D2 4AD5 BDC4 39AC8E2292A6

picture 3 showing Auto Adaptive mode selected (Showing the house icon with a thermometer in the house) this means the heating is based on a targeted room temperature.

EF336F3D 22FF 4470 B266 51CD9A7CBA8D

So if you do not have this third room heating option then would suggest the ftc6 needs replacing. As suggested in my earlier post.

I hope this helps clarify things for you.

However the question as to whether your controller is working properly has already been answered in that you don’t seem to get energy useage information.

Can you reply to confirm if you have the 3rd heating option available on your controller, as this helps to confirm if the advice is good. 
thanks in advance…

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Posted by: @sunandair

Posted by: @willen-john

Thanks. I need to know how to work out if my controller is working properly. 

The heating is on weather comp mode as advised by my installer.

I can see from your last picture above that you are indeed set on Weather Compensation. 

looking at your last picture your left hand button, when pressed, lets you cycle through the various room heating options.

  1. Is primary flow temp only
  2. Is weather compensation 
  3. Is Room Temperature auto adaptation  

so my question above was:

Do you have this 3rd option to select when you press the heating option button?

if you do not have the Auto Adaptation option then you do appear to have a ftc6 controller that isn’t fully functioning.

picture 1 showing  Primary Flow water temperature as the room heating mode.(Heating icon shows image of water droplet and thermometer )

5D7EC54F DBC5 4FB5 B1BF 2F2C73F56B5D


picture 2 showing Heating in weather compensation mode showing WC curve in the Heating icon 

A21F6FD1 88D2 4AD5 BDC4 39AC8E2292A6

picture 3 showing Auto Adaptive mode selected (Showing the house icon with a thermometer in the house) this means the heating is based on a targeted room temperature.

EF336F3D 22FF 4470 B266 51CD9A7CBA8D

So if you do not have this third room heating option then would suggest the ftc6 needs replacing. As suggested in my earlier post.

I hope this helps clarify things for you.

However the question as to whether your controller is working properly has already been answered in that you don’t seem to get energy useage information.

Can you reply to confirm if you have the 3rd heating option available on your controller, as this helps to confirm if the advice is good. 
thanks in advance…

I think that if you read through the manual, you may find that AA mode has to be enabled by DIP Switch settings. I doubt that the controller is faulty.


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@derek-m Thanks. 

Some more pictures attached. Definitely get the three setting options... 

20230917 192223
20230917 192247
20230917 192251
20230917 192254
20230917 192239

So I'm guessing not a faulty unit? 

But still no sign of power usage anywhere and I really want to know how much electric the ASHP is using. 


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Try switching to AA mode and see if that makes the data available, or even fixed LWT mode. Also check through the DIP Switch settings to see if any need adjustment.

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I asked on another group and was told that some FTC6s came without this function. I have no idea why.  Maybe you could contact Mitsubishi tech support or whoever supplied the FTC and ask them? 


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