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Help needed with Grant Aerona ASHP

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To those far more knowledgeable than myself.

I have a Grant Aerona 3 6Kw ASHP. Programmer CPB4 and DHW timer HPIDTM4.

The water has only ever been set for one hour at the time, and I have been trying to set it for a second hour without success.

The product leaflet says:

Adjusting the Switching Times:

Select the zone you wish to program, for example Zone 1

Press EDIT

If the zone is operating in 5/2 day mode, you will see Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri on the display. If it is operating in 7 day mode, you will see Mon.

Press the Day key to select the day to program

Use the Up/Down arrow keys to set the on time

Repeat for Time 2, 3 and 4

I have done this over and over and the water only ever heats for the first hour set, if I do an hour at say 10am and another at 12pm, only the first happens. The timer gives the impression the second is programmed fine but then nothing happens.

I have even tried setting a second zone as an alternative, so still for all 7 days, just a later time than zone one, that doesn’t work either.

We have made sure there is a need for the water by having showers in the time between, to the extent the water is almost cold (obviously to check the thermostat says the water is already up to temperature, but still nothing.

Do I have a faulty timer?






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I think that there is a 1 hour maximum water heating setting. In the installer menu or the menu above that. You can alter it once you access the correct menu level. 

House-2 bed partial stone bungalow, 5kW Samsung Gen 6 ASHP (Self install)
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 Thanks Bontwoody

I will check the manual again.



This post was modified 1 year ago by Bobby_Bunny


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@bobby_bunny It might be in the Installer Menu or the Service Menu to access the latter

'Service level is a bit of a faff to access, first you go into INST installer level, pressing and holding highlighted buttons above for 3s, then enter 9999 and press tick. A value of 0 appears, scroll this up to 738 and press tick. That gets you into SERV level. 738 is a not-so-secret access to service level'

House-2 bed partial stone bungalow, 5kW Samsung Gen 6 ASHP (Self install)
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I have a Grant, and the DHW timer sounds similar to yours (they are less than user-friendly), but you can check what the HP is trying to do by looking at the controller panel:

- if there's a symbol that looks like a tap showing on the control panel, then your HP is heating the hot water

- if the tap symbol is flashing, then you're in a time period the HP thinks it should be heating hot water, but there's no need to do anything (i.e. the water is already hot enough).


The parameters 31 01, 31 02, 31 11, and 31 21 might be relevant as well, if you have the time available to work through the multiple key presses to access them via the Installer menu.


Additionally the timer displays e.g "off until 15:00" when it's not on (telling you when the next HW period starts); or "on until 16:00" when it's on, so you ought to be able to see what it's trying to ask the HP to do.

Grant Aerona 3 10kW



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