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Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

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@grahaml The 0.5 degree is a new one to me (though recently, I gave some feedback in which I requested a half degree increment on the controls) looks like there are differences based on ones choice of facility as you say. Regards, Toodles.

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Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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My 'Heating controls'  looks like Graham's. It probably is a smart+ thing.  I'm on android


I've reduced my temperatures to 20 in thr evenings and 16  during the day while I wait for the system to learn how the house reacts. It still got up to 21.5 yesterday evening and is at 20 degress currently, which is more comfortable for us.  If it starts to cool down I can adjust it upwards.

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@johnnyb I'm not convinced thats the way to go with any controls, having such a drastic set back. Are you trying to save on running costs during the day or do you genuinely want the indoor temp to be 16?

Ours seems happier just keeping it at a constant temp. Periods where no temp was set it would just try and maintain what was set either side. We were advised that homely would take a couple of weeks to learn and the other thing we have found is that the less fiddling the better (including the HW schedules). Thus it might be counter productive changing it again on the basis that it needs to learn how the house reacts. I'd just stick to a temp you are most comfortable with and leave it do to it's thing, for at least a couple of weeks. Having a 4 C differential for different periods I can't see working particularly well.

If after a couple of weeks you are still getting overshooting with indoor temp I'd email them and see what they say.


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@benson I am carrying out a little experiment with my Homely controller; I have switched off Smart+. At present, though I had set a setback temperature overnight, I note that Smart+ setting appears to override my request and maintains the day time setting and doesn’t appear to drop the temperature overnight. I think it may be caused by the use of Cosy in the tariff settings; the Homely is trying to save money - though I am unsure if this is the reasoning behind ignoring my request for a lower temperature during the night. [There is always the Smart+ option but changing the tariff setting away from Cosy - time will tell and maybe a chat with Homely] I’ll see if over the next few days, Smart setting allows the setback to take effect…. I’ll report back in due course. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@benson I'm trying to get it to drop the temperature at all, at the moment it is keeping the temperature the same all day, at whatever the highest setting is, and seems to be ignoring any set-back.  The Node battery going flat very quickly hasn't helped the learning curve as it was only working properly for about a week.

I'm in a brand new house that is very well insulated, easy to heat, with underfloor heating that stays warm for hours.  If the heating is switched off overnight it drops 1 degree or less. I'm assuming it is taking a while for Homely to realise the heat loss is low so I wondered if a larger setback would help and the house wouldn't be so warm in the morning. Havng the temperature set at 21 was too much in the mornings so I am trying lower temperatures to see if I can get it comfortable. I was also told that it aims for 0.5° over temperature and it keeps the heating running until it gets to 0.5° over and then switches it off


@toodles  I will be interesting to hear what yours does in smart mode.  If it drops back overnight that will be good news for me.  Does it still maintain the same temperature even with cool night mode on, or weren't you using that?

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@johnnyb Yes, I had Cool Night Mode toggled on - but I’m not sure it was having any influence as, with or with CNM, the results seem to be the temp. graph on the Dashboard is still almost a straight line (+or- perhaps 0.2 degrees all night). I’m envious [as I’m sure many readers are!] of your low heat loss home; I wonder if, as you have that UFH heat battery and you only drop 1 degree overnight, might it be worth trying the counterintuitive measure of turning the heating off at night???!!! Heretically yours, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.


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@johnnyb One more thought, have you considered re-siting the node? If there is anywhere in the habitable areas of your home that are draught free and always warm, it might be worth moving the nose to that spot. I know this shouldn’t be necessary as the node should detect the temperature and the Homely software should follow your comfort level desires! ‘Warm’ Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

it be worth trying the counterintuitive measure of turning the heating off at night???!!!

I don't have a temperature set between 11pm and 8 am but Homely doesn't do 'off'.  I have it set at 16.5° between 8 am and 8 pm and it was a little cooler this morning, 19.9°, but it started heating up soon after that and is now up to 20.5° at 3pm

This post was modified 2 months ago 2 times by JohnnyB

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@johnnyb As you say, there is no ‘off’ as such but what you have done should equate to ‘no heating during this time’ and is what I meant to suggest. Is your node reporting a good signal at all times I wonder? I assume that you have paid a trip to Argos by now. Regards, Toodles.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

Is your node reporting a good signal at all times I wonder?

It is now it has a new battery, I picked the battery up yesterday afternoon.  It is only 3 mtrs away from the main unit so it should have a good signal


I haven't had any overnight settings on the Homely, it has always been 'off' at night.  It will be interesting to hear what you get with yours in smart mode and no tariff options set.

This post was modified 2 months ago by JohnnyB

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@johnnyb  Good to hear that your node is being received ‘loud & clear’ so to speak. Homely unit indicates we have a good signal according to the LED though the signal does have to travel through several brick walls to get there. I haven’t ‘unset’ the tariff so Homely still sees Cosy as my TOU tariff. I wanted to establish whether it is the ‘+’ that is defeating the nighttime temperature request first. I think we are doing Homely’s  research for them!😉 Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@toodles I'm doing my own reasearch to see if it works for our house, but the house is new to so there is no previous experience to reference againest.

I think you are right that the heating could be off overnight, when the Node stopped working that is what happened for a couple of days.  I switch the heating on early afternoon and the house was warm by 5pm.

I have a thermometer on the floor to see how warm the floors gets. Once it gets to 23 or 24° I switched the heating off.  It worked quite well, but isn't a long term way to run the heating 😀 


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