Effect of buffer ta...
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Effect of buffer tank or volumiser on heat pump system

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Posted by: @davidalgarve

Apologies for re-introducing this topic. I was persuaded  by contributers on this forum, that I should remove the second CH pump and change the function of the buffer tank to use it as a volumiser.

I have forgotten how it was suggested that I should use the four connections on the tank in this configuration.

Existing connections are LHS: Top - From ASHP; Bottom - Return to ASHP RHS Top- To CH: Bottom - Return from CH 

I think that you will find that the best location for a volumiser is in the return pipework to the heat pump.

It has also become apparent that some buffer tanks are directional, so have a look around the casing for any direction arrows.

The LHS bottom - return to ASHP pipe should be left as is. The LHS top - from ASHP pipe should be disconnected from the buffer tank and also the RHS top - to CH pipe should also be disconnected. A connection pipe should be used to connect these two pipes together, so that the flow from the ASHP goes directly to the heating system, bypassing the buffer tank. The remaining pipe connected to the RHS bottom - return from CH should be disconnect from its present position and connected to the LHS top. The two pipe connections that will now be without pipes will need to be plugged.

Once completed the water flow should be from the heat pump, direct to the heat emitters, with the return from the heat emitters going into the LHS top of the volumiser, then out of the LHS bottom connection back to the heat pump.



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Thank you very much for reminding me, Derek. My installer of choice, here in Portugal, is rather sceptical so I have to be persuasive. I am attaching a photo of my tank and you will see that re-directing the CH return to the top left hand may be rather difficult. Is there any real difference if the CH return is connected to the top right? It seems to me to be almost advantageous for the flow to be across the tank in addition to top to bottom but I am in new territory here.

The other pipe from the 3 way valve goes vertically to my DHW tank.

Incidentally, there is no evidence that this Cordivari tank is directional

IMG 1568



This post was modified 2 months ago 2 times by DavidAlgarve

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If the flow through the buffer tank is not directional then it should be possible to connect the CH return to the top RHS connection rather than the top LHS.

I forgot to mention that it will also be necessary to remove the secondary water pump and replace it with a connecting length of pipe.

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Many thanks Derek. That is what I will suggest and hope to report back in due course.


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