You will see from the attached pic's that the small temp' figure is missing. From the earlier vid' on how to set AA that needs to be present if AA is active.
Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.
@morgan yes it looks like the controller is functioning properly. It also looks like @mjr has identified what’s wrong he’s just posted you a question.
You need to look at “initial settings” which is the cog wheel icon. Then check “Temp. Display”
then ensure ROOM & TANK is selected
you probably only have TANK selected which is why you are only showing the tank water temperature.
**Incidentally the house icon (below the arrows) with the teardrop in the centre means you are operating in auto adapt.
Edit oops looks like it’s now sorted.
**postscript…. The room temperature will only display when Auto Adaptive mode and will disappear when in weather compensation mode or flow temperature mode.
I see. I understand now what the number is telling me. My hope of 5kw heat loss per year was a bit hopeful then 🙃
In other news, woke this morning and checked temps & figures (now become my morning routine!)...
I setback WC -4 overnight. Still awoke to a 20c bungalow (i have ordered some basic thermometers to put in rooms to get a better idea of temps). These were the thermistor readings before cancelling the setback...
Note the -8c DT temps?! However, on refreshing it went to a -1 DT (27/28) so maybe a glitch, idk. Anyhow, removed the -4 setback and took another reading 30m later...
A DT of 7! Best I have ever seen, but how reliable are those numbers?! Also a drop in outside temp of 3c which adds weight to my theory it delivers a better DT when being worked harder, but idk.
Just checked readings again. DT of 4 (41/37 @ 0c ambient)
Assuming that the original heat loss calculations were reasonably accurate, at an outside temperature of 2C, you should expect a heat loss of approximately 4.5kW.
What I find strange is that the RWT was higher than the LWT, which would indicate some kind of external heat source. I suggest that you check that you do not have the Booster Heater or Backup Heater enabled, assuming that they are installed. The fact that the temperature readings changed when you refreshed the readings could indicate that the previous readings were stored some time ago. In digital system measurements are not continuous, the controller measures each input in turn, one at a time, and stores the results in memory for later use. The frequency of measurement could be of the order of 50 times per second, so as far as we mere human's are concerned the measurement is continuous, but the displayed values may just update on request.
When the system first starts to operate a higher DT is to be expected, the LWT will have increased but not yet fully warmed the heat emitters, so the RWT will still be cooler. With a fixed water pump speed, and hence reasonably constant flow rate, the factors affecting DT will be the LWT and the heat loss. A higher LWT will cause the heat emitters to absorb and emit more energy, and a greater heat loss will remove more heat energy from the building necessitating the need for a higher LWT to meet this higher demand.
The outside air temperature reading may vary slightly between when the fan is running and when it is stopped, I do believe others have noticed this to be the case.
@sunandair Have changed the display to ROOM & TANK and the display is as it should be. Phew. However the rads are way hotter now than in WC and the flow temp has gone somewhat higher as well. Confused as to how that will be a financial benefit tbh. The DT appears wider now though. Actually it isn't.
Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.
@sunandair Have changed the display to ROOM & TANK and the display is as it should be. Phew. However the rads are way hotter now than in WC and the flow temp has gone somewhat higher as well. Confused as to how that will be a financial benefit tbh. The DT appears wider now though. Actually it isn't
would be good to do a 540 enquiry to get your flow rate reading then get your flow and return thermistor readings while the HP is operating.
then familiarise yourself with these settings in this page for setting the AA parameters
@sunandair I've done a 540 enquiry (posted earlier). 21LPM at setting 5. The same at setting 3 so it appears that I cannot change the flow rate.
The rest of your post re flow and return thermistor readings and setting the AA parameters is beyond my current comprehension.
ok, but as you can already do the 540 enquiry means you are making really good progress.
Data - You’ve already been Data Gathering- on the menu screen where you selected running information you will see below it “Thermistor readings”... If you click on it you will see it gather all the main thermistor readings you have. The Flow and Return temperatures are in the bottom left corner labelled THW1(flow) and THW2(return) so write these numbers down and subtract the thw2 from thw1 The result should give you your DeltaT
Practical activity-
how many pumps do you have? Are you operating radiators only or is it Domestic Hot water also? Can you send a picture of the pumps? Their speed may only be controlled by physical push buttons on the pump itself.
Principal objective
Manually slow down pumps from 21lpm
do a 540 check (flow rate LPM)
check new thermistor readings (calc new DT)
Adjust pump speed again if needed
Target - achieve a DeltaT of 5 or 6 ltrs per minute with a flow rate within the operating limits of your heat pump (our 8.5kw Ecodan is 10.8 to 24 LPM)
If you can answer any of the questions first that would be a good place to start then we can look at the actions later.
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