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Do I have the worst heat pump - Ecodan 14kW?

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@derek-m Just pumping the 22,000 gallons around the pool during winter.

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Been away from home for a couple of days, and turned the ASHP off completely. Summary is with the ASHP off, I'm still using between 18-20Kwh per day when away from home? Think a lot of that has to do with, Swimming pool filter only, Solar Panels, Hot Tub & Bore Hole running.


Looks like daily use/costs for the ASHP is around 40Kwh per day. ASHP is on all day, set for 20 degrees between 7am - 9pm, 17 degrees after then. Hot water on for about 30 minutes a day.

Thoughts on that usage, and how I might be able to lower further?

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Posted by: @rann1888


Been away from home for a couple of days, and turned the ASHP off completely. Summary is with the ASHP off, I'm still using between 18-20Kwh per day when away from home? Think a lot of that has to do with, Swimming pool filter only, Solar Panels, Hot Tub & Bore Hole running.


Looks like daily use/costs for the ASHP is around 40Kwh per day. ASHP is on all day, set for 20 degrees between 7am - 9pm, 17 degrees after then. Hot water on for about 30 minutes a day.

Thoughts on that usage, and how I might be able to lower further?

Hi Rann,

To definitely reduce costs, fill in the swimming pool, switch off the hot tub and stop 'boring' holes. 🤣 

As far as your heat pump is concerned the heat demand and possible efficiency is very much governed by the ambient air temperature and of course the size and structure of the property. For a better assessment, it would be necessary to monitor energy consumption against weather conditions, and then check your data against that provided by others on the forum.

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40kWh per day is feasible but as @derek-m says it depends on the weather. Is that an average? Over what period?  My 14kW Ecodan averaged about 22kWh/day in November heating my 160m2 bungalow to about 21C and about 25kWh/day so far in December. How many m2 are you heating? 


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Oh yeah, I'll easily do 40kw on a cold day. Really cold I don't see 60-80 being unreasonable. But my house is 260m2 so it's going to take a load of heat

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
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@batalto house size is 306m2 based on Dereks calcs. Current usage is based on December month when I flipped to higher prices with Eon.


wouldn’t want to be using 60-80kwh per day on the higher prices


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@rann1888 just wait until it gets cold again, your heat use will go up. That said our house is 21 degrees all day and night so that will use more power when the temperature is lower over the night hours - but we get cheap power then, so it's not really an issue for us.

Today we used fairly little in the grand scheme with a cop well over 4

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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@rann1888, on that size, I suspect you should be in the 35-50 range with current temperatures around 9-11C.

When you get to 3-4C and below, that’s when you start using 60-80kWh. In Feb this year, when we hit -6C, we were well over 100kWh per day. At current electricity rates (we’re at 22p) that’s £22/day for heating, which we would like to avoid.

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I have the 14kw model in a 418M2 property and we are averaging 52kWh per day for heating and hot water in December so far (heating only is 39kWh).



Mitsubishi Ecodan 14kw ASHP + 500l Cylinder

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that's very good for a house that size.  

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