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DHW contributing to space heating?

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@Transparent do you know much about the Equinox project?


Or the trialing by Ovo of a new heat pump tariff?

Just wondering what the DNOs and retail suppliers might launch to support heat pump owners? 

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Posted by: @jeff

the trialing by Ovo of a new heat pump tariff

I noted that there is to be an OVO trial involving such a tariff. However, I'm assuming that it's similar to Economy-7 rather than being based on the forthcoming ToU tariff. In fact, unless OVO are going to provide storage for space-heating, then I don't see how even a time-slice (E7-style) would work either. It's really too early to say.

Tariffs formed a very large proportion of the feedback supplied to OVO from Zero Carbon Heating trial participants. (This isn't on an open part of the OVO Forum, so don't waste time trying to find it!)

However, as that feedback was being written, the OVO Forum also hosted a detailed analysis from member Simon1D showing how missing readings from his smart meter were being handled. Part of that investigation revealed how the Billing System wasn't aligned to the timings of the internal smart-meter registers. When this misalignment occurred at the end of a day (11:30pm-midnight), the subsequent Smart Meter data was shifted 30-minutes forward in time... into the first reading of the next day.

Until that issue is addressed I don't see how OVO can offer a ToU tariff. ToU billing must be reliably aligned against the 30-minute period when the customer actually used the power.

In case anyone else reading this jumps to the incorrect conclusion that @jeff and I are singling out OVO for this problem, can I point out that all Energy Suppliers face the same issue.

Our Smart Meters are supplied with a random time-shift inbuilt to them. This means that a command can be sent to a million homes to turn on EV chargers at midnight, but that actually gets implemented over a period of many minutes either side of midnight. That prevents a sudden surge taking down the National Grid!

I can provide a timing diagram if you think this issue warrants better explanation. Just ask.

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Transparent

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Posted by: @jeff

do you know much about the Equinox project?

I know little more that the page you've referred to above.

The Trial doesn't include my Energy Supplier, and I don't believe it's being run in my Region (South West).

Let's note again, however, that the Welsh Government is involved. They are pioneering the way forward for heat-pumps in a manner which doesn't reflect well on England and Scotland. It suggests that have wisely recruited some technically-knowledgeable civil servants to advise Members of Senedd Cymru.

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Posted by: @transparent
Posted by: @jeff

do you know much about the Equinox project?

I know little more that the page you've referred to above.

The Trial doesn't include my Energy Supplier, and I don't believe it's being run in my Region (South West).

Let's note again, however, that the Welsh Government is involved. They are pioneering the way forward for heat-pumps in a manner which doesn't reflect well on England and Scotland. It suggests that have wisely recruited some technically-knowledgeable civil servants to advise Members of Senedd Cymru.

Is there such a beast as a 'technically-knowledgeable civil servant'? 🙄 

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Well there are certainly District/Borough Councils and Unitary Authorities who are actively recruiting members of Extinction Rebellion to assist in their green agendas. Cornwall is one such council.

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Posted by: @transparent

Well there are certainly District/Borough Councils and Unitary Authorities who are actively recruiting members of Extinction Rebellion to assist in their green agendas. Cornwall is one such council.

I'm very pleased to hear that. Next you will be telling me that there has been an outbreak of common sense. 😎 

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Posted by: @derek-m
Posted by: @transparent

Well there are certainly District/Borough Councils and Unitary Authorities who are actively recruiting members of Extinction Rebellion to assist in their green agendas. Cornwall is one such council.

I'm very pleased to hear that. Next you will be telling me that there has been an outbreak of common sense. 😎 


These look like just the sort of pragmatic, sensible and experienced individuals we need to address the climate change problem.  


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The press thinks similarly @kev-m 😉 

But returning to Cornwall for a moment, the image you showed above is specifically about the Council's portion of the annual subsidy to maintain an air-link between Newquay airport and London. That's a complex issue because it's part of an overall strategy to bolster the economy of the county as it grows the energy sector:

  • the abundant wind and solar generation
  • the lithium mines around Bodmin

plus, I should mention, the designated space-port at Newquay airport itself.

And I appreciate XR drawing our attention to the subsidised air-link. But the subsidy from Cornwall is dwarfed by that from central government.

At grass-roots level, Cornwall County Council does have XR members implementing its policies on the ground. I know this for certain because I spent an evening in the pub with one of those employees earlier this month! 🍺 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Transparent

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