Daikin Altherma 3M ...
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Daikin Altherma 3M in Buckinghamshire - Snoring Noise

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Sure. I'd like to see what the curve looks like before I describe changing the numbers... 

Ready when you are Bridget !

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 This is the heating curve (I think)

There is one for cooling too


Other info:


 Where is the weather dependent sensor?  Is it in the outside unit?

Other info that might be useful. When the system as currently configured hits the target water temp (it actually got to 61 degrees)  the fan drop and it is quiet.  When it is trying to get up to 60 degrees the flow increases and makes the noise in the pipes.  Here's the info from earlier this evening:


Thanks very much to you both for your help.  I'll await further instructions and maybe give it a go tomorrow.

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The photo's are excellent and clearly show that the weather dependent curve is set much too high.

I suggest that you select the curve and adjust the parameters on the heating screen, making the left hand side 45C at -5C and the right hand side 20C at 18C, as detailed in a previous message.

Try to ensure that heating only WD is enabled, but if that is not possible and cooling is also enabled, then adjust the parameters on the cooling screen such that both ends are set to 25C or even 30C if possible. In that way cooling should not be operate.

Once the adjustments have been made, allow the system some time to stabilise, which could take quite a few hours. Once the system has stabilsed, increase the setting of your Honeywell thermostat to 1C above the desired temperature, if the room temperature increases by 1C then the WD curve is still too high, so lower the left hand side WFT parameter by 1C from 45C to 44C. Wait several hours to see if the indoor temperature reduces to the desired level, if not then repeat the above.

Obviously if the room temperature is below the desired level, then increase the setting on the left hand side of the screen by 1C until the desired temperature is achieved.

Please report back how things work out and ask if you are not certain about anything.


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Thanks @bridgetjohn It's very interesting to see another of these WD curve screens. Mine has -3 in the top corner where yours has a 0, but that's another story !

Could you set the WD curve type to 2-point, then post another photo of the heating curve. It's from that screen that you'll be able to set the parameters that Derek has suggested. At the moment we're seeing it in the slope-offset view which shows the slope as 17 and the offset as 7. As far as I'm aware it's the same curve (albeit a straight line) but the axes will look different in 2-point.

This is my 'curve' in the two views:

graph +1 2 p
graph +1 s o

Yes, the outside sensor is more than likely in your outdoor unit, if that's on the north side of your house. There is a chance that you have a separate sensor on a north wall if the unit is on the south side.

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Thanks Newbie. 😀 

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Further investigation reveals the following options:


looks like I can have Fixed or weather dependent heating and fixed cooling or weather dependent.

Here it is in the 2 point view and I have a heating and cooling one:


 What do you think?  Do I choose weather dependent heating and fixed cooling or weather dependent?

And then I follow the instructions you gave earlier on the temperature?

thanks v much



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Hi both

I've tried to set it using weather dependent Heating and fixed cooling.

I can set the -5 to 45 but the lowest value is 25 on the left for 20.  

I cant do 20 degrees at 18 degrees.


This is now my front screen where it says 45 degrees for water radiator temperature.


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Sorry me again

@heat-pump-newbie your picture shows yours set to "unit operation is decided based on the ambient temperature of the dedicated Human Comfort interface (BRC1HHDA) used as a room thermostat"


Mine is showing "unit decided by the external room thermostat (wired or wireless)"







do I need to alter something else? thanks

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Morning @Bridgetjohn That looks much more like it should do. My radiator water temp is 35 and it's also 8 deg outside. Has the noise stopped !? I imagine you'll feel a difference in the radiator temperature as it adjusts, but the heat pump will stop turning on and off. What does the screen with the flow rate look like now ?

...and it's just that I've got a Daikin thermostat so it shows as a different symbol. And I think as @alec-morrow has been saying having a thermostat from the same manufacturer means it can communicate both ways between the heat pump and the thermostat, so my screen can display the thermostat temperature.


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Hi Bridget,

As Newbie states, your system should now be operating in a more efficient manner. If you can now monitor the operation for a while and report back, we can analyse the information and decide if any further adjustments are necessary.

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Hi Bridget,

One thing that I forgot to mention. I would recommend adding insulation to the pipework on your system, which will not only reduce heat loss, but should also help dampen any noise coming from the pipework. This of course should have been done by your installer.

Could you please provide the manufacturer's name and model number of all the items of equipment, so that we can decide if any further changes may be appropriate.

Have you noticed and change in radiator temperature and/or noise levels?

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@derek-m Hi all, I think I'm still missing a bit of the puzzle here.


This is my thermostat.  Its working on a schedule currently.  I think this is driving the on / off behaviour.


This is my current home screen - it says target for radiators is 45 degrees which it shouldn't be if the weather is at 8 degrees outside if its following the curve.


Do I need to set something to tell it to not follow the thermostat but to follow the curve instead?

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