Daikin 16kW Altherm...
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Daikin 16kW Altherma 3 R32 heat pump

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Hi to Mars and all,

I have been following Home Farm for a year or so.


So firstly I am a Marine Engineer so have a good understanding of thermal dynamics and refrigeration. Sadly more than my plumber I think…

I have recently completely refurbished a house in Spain. No it is not warm all year round!

Daikin 16kW Altherma 3 R32 heat pump with underfloor heating in the whole house.

22 LG 350W solar panels giving me a total of 7.7kW

Fronius Gen 24 10kW inverter

BYD 16.6kWh HVM battery


So the heat pump is working well although I feel it is oversized for the house. 240m2 with about average insulation level. Well above average for Spain who are not so good at insulation but probably average for a UK home.

Solar/battery setup was commissioned at the end of November so have not had a summer yet but can get 30kWh on a sunny day even in January, it will massively overproduce for 6 months of the year.  

I went for a big battery as electricity in the evenings (when we use the most) is about 17c/kWh but I only get   4.5 c/kWh for feed in so storing is very beneficial.

Sadly Spain do not currently allow charging a battery at off peak times from the grid, maybe in the future as that would be great in winter.

Payback is quite a while with the costs of the battery but I am doing it as much for fun as anything so if I break even in 10-12 years that will be a bonus.


Look forward to learning and hopefully benefiting the community.

More than happy to answer any question about the equipment I have. 



Illustrious Member Admin
26254 kWhs
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Welcome to the forums @adam-c - great to have you here.

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