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Circulatory pumps and weather compensation

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So just checked the documents re added circulatory pumps and it seems these can be adjusted to accommodate flows etc.

Just wondering if anyone has experience of the settings with these and if any adjustments should be made in regard to weather compensation flow rates etc or does it adjust automatically?

20241014 104800


2 10kw Grant Aerona3
Heat loss calc 16.5 kw @ -2.8 degrees
4.32 PV

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I have this pump and it has 3 settings which approximate to 6, 7 or 8 metres of head assuming I have correctly understood the pump curves on the Grundfos website. 

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@bretiix Some heatpumps (eg Samsung) can control the pump speed automatically via something called pulse width modulation. Im not sure if any other makes have this capability.

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Posted by: @bretix

weather compensation flow rates etc or does it adjust automatically?

If the pump is PWM controlled, flow rates will be adjusted automatically by the heat pump, most pumps aren't though. So you need to set the flow rates manually. The flow setting should really change between a system bouncing of multiple thermostats and one on WC.

But on WC you will have a couple of pump operating strategies with the ASHP control. Continuous or sniffer mode, these come into play when the compressor is ideal, but the is a demand for heat. What you choose is variable dependant on heating system.

Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
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Thanks for answering I'm assuming the heat pump does it automatically although there is also a setting on the additional pump to adjust flows on demand - but as the HP is on all the time I'm assuming it falls in line with the flows on WC.

2 10kw Grant Aerona3
Heat loss calc 16.5 kw @ -2.8 degrees
4.32 PV


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