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[Sticky] Heat Pump Books Beginners – Bodge Buster & From Zero To Heat Pump Hero

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We're excited to announce the release of Bodge Buster, a comprehensive guide for homeowners on air source heat pump installations. This timely publication addresses the growing issue of substandard installations in the UK's renewable heating sector, a concern reflected in the rising dissatisfaction and doubt about the technology's reliability. Inspired by our own difficult experience with a heat pump installation and the numerous reports from the Renewable Heating Hub community, Bodge Buster educates homeowners on the critical importance of installation quality for the efficiency, performance and running costs of their systems. Packed with essential questions, practical tips, and insightful advice, this book is now available in paperback and ebook formats.


Please support us by buying a copy, and help us spread the word about Bodge Buster with your friends, family and colleagues, so that more homeowners can benefit from informed decisions and high-quality installations in their journey towards sustainable heating solutions, and together, we can create a standard of accountability where installers can no longer get away with shoddy installations.

This topic was modified 1 month ago by Mars

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

MikeFl reacted
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And if anyone has Kindle Unlimited, Bodge Buster is available to read there, so please support us by downloading it, as proceeds will go into advertising the book to empower as many homeowners as possible.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

Illustrious Member Admin
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Thank you to those of you that have already purchased Bodge Buster. Your support is massively appreciated. If you have any feedback, thoughts, things that could be added, etc. please direct message me. I'd love to hear from you.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

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@editor just ordered my copy.... we'll probably recommend it to our local sustainability groups. Until "low temperature heating system design" is fully integrated into training and certification homeowners do really need to educate themselves about the topic if they're thinking of a heat pump, so your book looks like it might help address that.

Sustainable Groups - Renewable Heating - Local Government - Director of Firepower

Mars reacted
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@sune that's amazing. Thank you for the support, and I think the book should be very useful to those thinking about installing a heat pump and just asking the right questions of their installer.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

Sune reacted
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This looks excellent for owners, potential owners and (should be mandatory for) installers! Should have check list that best practice would dictate should be stapled to the MCS handover check list!

Mars reacted

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@elton that's very kind of you. Feel free to drop MCS an email telling them they should buy a copy for each of their accredited installer 🤣 

Where are you your heat pump/renewables journey?

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

Elton reacted
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Hi Mars,

I'm very early on! Interested in getting an ASHP but watching the tech as it develops and improves, and the regulations and regulators to see if they are helping to shape a sustainable rollout (or create/allow so much bodging they put folk off green tech). Noise and vibration are major concerns for me and I have suffered from this considerably from a neighbouring installation much like Persephone. 

I'm very much hoping revisions to PD will encourage better installations, better choices of heat pumps and drive manufacturers to focus on quieter heat pump technology whilst being straightforward and clear to implement rather than creating even more of a free-for-all which many seem to be suffering from at present. I'm an advocate of a slower, more considered rollout that is sustainable, letting tech, skills and regs improve, rather than one that goes full speed 600K a year creating so many issues along the way that it puts folk off the tech & creates the basis of the next scandal. I find it difficult sometimes to convey that as its occasionally taken as anti-heat pump when it is in reality pro-heat pump.

Your guide is a good step in acknowledging the issues already out there that need sorting to help lead to a sustainable rollout.

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PS just seen MIS3005-D went out for consultation a few minutes ago.

Sune reacted
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@elton and here's a link https://mcscertified.com/consultation-mis-3005-d-the-heat-pump-design-standard/

Sustainable Groups - Renewable Heating - Local Government - Director of Firepower

Mars reacted
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@editor my copy arrived at the weekend - I haven't read it back to back yet but I have skimmed through each page. Like you say it's an ideal grounding for homeowners considering heat pumps and will help them navigate, ask the right questions, and end up with better quality, better value systems. Will go through in detail over the next week or so...

Sustainable Groups - Renewable Heating - Local Government - Director of Firepower

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@sune thank you again for your support, and the book is a quality bedtime read 🤣 

For people with heat pumps, there’s nothing groundbreaking in Bodge Buster, but I would have found it invaluable five years ago when we embarked on our renewables journey, so I really hope that it empowers (and emboldens) homeowners to ask their installers questions and to hopefully get a good installation.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk


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