ASHP Reliability Po...
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Yes, my ASHP has broke down, it is a.... Poll is created on Oct 23, 2024


ASHP Reliability Poll - Hall of Fame vs Hall of Shame?

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Has your ASHP monobloc unit ever broken down needing a call-out to repair?

A [non-scientific] straw poll of ASHP owners to find out the reliability ranking of popular manufacturers. Is there an outright lame duck?!

We're only considering the ASHP unit itself here, not system components, hot water tanks, accessories, or faults like loss of pressure, water leaks, blocked filters or strainers, that might have caused your ASHP to stop working. So only faults on the actual ASHP unit - something broken with the monobloc - fried PCB, refrigerant leak, compressor failure, etc. Doesn't matter how old or whether it's in or out of warranty.

The poll only allows 10 options, and there are many more manufacturers; Nibe, Stiebel Eltron, Midea, etc. So please add a comment if your manufacturer isn't listed and it has broken down.

Please only post to list the ASHP manufacturer if not shown. You can share all the gory details in another forum topic!

(It's totally non-scientific, as some manufacturers are more popular, so will record more breakdowns. Some have been around a long time and some are quite new to the market. It's just a bit of fun!)

This topic was modified 5 months ago 2 times by AllyFish

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This is my kind of poll @allyfish 🤣 

I think we just need to define what a breakage is. Ours did break down in the sense that it had an error code that was related to a blocked filter. I don't think that should count. Are you saying things like component failures and breakages in the heat pump unit itself?

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Something knackered on the monobloc heat pump unit that wasn't maintenance related. So not blocked filters, strainers, coils, etc. Poll description edited!

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Is it worth another choice for saying "No, my heat pump's x years old and still fine"? Otherwise you're only capturing relative frequency of disgruntled owners without any idea of how many positively "gruntled" ones there are.

Just a thought.

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+1 for being positively gruntled


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