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Air source heat pump installations – photo gallery

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The most recent round of questions we've been receiving from homeowners considering installing air source heat pumps is where the best location for their ASHP could/should be. Naturally, this will vary immensely from property to property so it's not something we can answer. So I thought that a photo gallery of installations might help people get a better idea of what they should be considering when it comes to picking the spot where they plonk their heat pump. 

Please post photos of your ASHP installation here and tell us why you opted for that specific location. Please also tell us if this turned out to be the best location and whether you would have done anything differently had you had the opportunity to have a do-over?

A mixture of close up and set back photos would help to establish context and size. Please also mention your model and make of heat pump.

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Ecodan 14kW.  It's as far away from the bedrooms and living room as possible.  That's the kitchen window in the first picture.  We can only hear it if we really try.  I laid the concrete slab myself.  The tank is right in the middle of the house but being a bungalow, it's easy to run pipes through the attic. We are fortunate to have lots of space; the nearest neighbour is 30-40m away and there is a 10ft hedge between us anyway.  I'm happy with where I chose. 


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Kev M

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Due to the size of our ASHP, the 18kW Caernarfon from Global Energy Systems, we didn't want it in the middle of our driveway, which is where it would have had to have been if we wanted to go straight through the wall of our utility room where the nerve centre of our central heating system is.

So we placed our heat pump out of the way, 20 metres from the utility room. We then dug a trench (50-60cm deep) where we ran an insulated heat-loss pipe under ground.

We also had to put down a concrete base for our heat pump. We opted for pre-made concrete "tiles" that we dug and cemented into the ground to have a sturdy base for the unit. This had to be ready before the day of the installation.

Because the heat pump would have been very visible, we decided to build a log store around it - we ensured that we kept 1m breathing space at the back and sides of the unit, and everything to the front of it was completely unobstructed so that the fan could push the cold air away from the unit and down the valley.

We've posted as many photos as possible. We also covered all of this in this video (choosing a location, the log store, the heat-loss pipe, etc.):

D618233B 1D05 479F A568 1EE76C4E7305
5D9276F6 4F4D 4151 8CBF 53FAE76ED6AE
68BB9E5B A563 49A6 8CF9 E540394F6166
38C57CA7 1BBE 4D76 9AF0 F94B5A1EFAC7
F41543F9 7117 4497 8719 8572EEF6D3EF
A0721A98 D104 48A2 A749 8B1C88FA0BBB
FAB79789 D460 44C4 A88A 1ED057F9CCB4
CEDA8007 B3E9 4986 97FF 292F65446447
D135B928 383B 4129 A03E F4853F1C79C2
CAB730E3 E97E 471D 8A67 1022B97E7A9E
9CF9DCF5 40CF 4425 AE1F 2D2BB625C2C5
E88E14C6 BB66 4AEA 821D C108B8A1436D
85DAF58A E747 413B 99A5 71125ACADA13



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@kev-m, did you have the lay the concrete base or did the installers do that?

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Posted by: @editor

@kev-m, did you have the lay the concrete base or did the installers do that?

I did it.  They said the gravel would be OK but wanted something more secure.

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Hi....we originally planned ours to be at the back of the house, shown below as the X:


This is where the installers (and us) wanted it as it would be out of the way, we even got as far as fitting the pipes and moving it in situ:


Sadly the original plan didn't work as internally they couldn't fit the pipes under our first floor so was moved to the front of the house in the wood store, shown as the tick in picture 1:


This actually works a lot better for the running of the system as it goes through a wall pretty much straight into the plant room, so less thermal loss and power required to pump the glycol around. The only reason we didn't want it there in the first place is the noise, but the pump (Samsung EHS 16kw) is really quiet and isn't intrusive at all. We sit out in a seating area in summer quite close to the location of the pump - maybe 7-8m away and we were worried that we wouldn't be able to hear each other talking etc. But in summer obviously the pump won't be running anyway and the noise is really not an issue. The only downside with the location is that it is at the front of the house and spoils the view a little (it is mostly back in the woodstore so not massively visible) and the condensation that leaks out underneath (I think most installers fit them onto a bed of gravel?). this was leaking quite a bit out onto our path and they fitted a run off pipe to a flower bed which has mostly sorted that issue. You do get a blast of cold air at close range when you walk past it and it is going flat out, but even in the freezing temperatures last week it wasn't actually that bad. 


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@siko it's inside the wood store?

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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It's more underneath the roof to the woodstore than inside it - you can see the dogs kennel in the last picture it's pretty much there. Has about 2' behind it to the house wall and an unrestricted outflow to the Western hemisphere. Seems to work really well to be honest ....

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Here are some photos from our 14kw Ecodan installation in December 2019. We utilized the old oil boiler/tank shed to house the new 500l cylinder and main boost system whilst carrying out an extension. The pipes run underneath the drive fully insulated into the main house. We can't really hear the pump unless its working really hard/defrosting and its a very faint hum. We live in the middle of fields so there isn't much background noise. I keep the bins further away than in these early photos to make sure the air circulation is as good as possible around the pump. The House is slightly south west facing so it takes a beating from the wind and I assume on the really windy days it has a negative impact on the heat pump being hit directly by the wind.


The heating system treats the house as two zones, 3 underfloor heating manifolds utilize one pump and the upstairs radiator circuit uses another pump. Every room has its own thermostat to call for heat to the boiler regardless of being ufh or a radiator.

IMG 1903
IMG 1910
IMG 1961
IMG 2622
IMG 2128
IMG 4267


Mitsubishi Ecodan 14kw ASHP + 500l Cylinder

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Came here after I posted a response on twitter to someone claiming that it was impossible to install a heat pump in a pre-1945 house.  My house was built in 1800 and my oil boiler used to burn 2.5 tonnes of oil per year

Replaced with a Hitachi Yutaki S80 16KW high-temperature split, installed by Regen Renewables (who I would highly recommend)

Feeling toasty, green and very smug!

EB927A41 A69F 4A1D A50A 947B450AC04E

This is a split system so it has an outside unit (rhs of picture) which feeds hot gas to a heat exchanger in the internal unit. Internal unit has a second compressor which can kick in as required to bump up the water temperature to a maximum of 80degC. Designed to drive radiators as underfloor heating wasn’t really an option.

8BD0FF21 9217 4C86 9C3B 957C8C5F31F5
FD7C8442 AAEF 40B7 83FD C30EADED538E

Internal unit installed in the same location vacated by the oil-fired boiler - a bit shorter and fatter but fits fine

564A30A9 3FA1 4A6D AA15 A566E4661892

DHW water tank replaced - again, a different shape which required a bit of reconfiguration of the airing cupboard

525D1751 F034 4536 8283 248521B90DB9

Nine radiators upgraded, a couple replaced with 3-panel K3s, where heat loss survey showed more heat required. No significant changes to pipework

Still waiting for a really cold day, but so far significantly more effective than the system it replaced

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@nick, that looks terrific. Thanks for posting.

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