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14Kw Mitsubishi Ecodan ASHP

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Posted by: @justinsb

My Settings:

PXL 20211108 123508866
PXL 20211108 123518598
PXL 20211108 123528477



Thanks Justin,

I will see if I can decipher the various settings

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Please try the following and see what you discover.

Select - 'Service', then 'Operation settings', then 'Heating operation', then .Flow temp. range'. The screen should now display the minimum and maximum permitted flow temperatures. If the minimum setting is above 20C then it will need changing. If the maximum setting is below 50C then it will need changing.

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Posted by: @derek-m


Please try the following and see what you discover.

Select - 'Service', then 'Operation settings', then 'Heating operation', then .Flow temp. range'. The screen should now display the minimum and maximum permitted flow temperatures. If the minimum setting is above 20C then it will need changing. If the maximum setting is below 50C then it will need changing.


I just tried that but it then asks if you want to shut the system down. Yes or No. Β I backed out.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.


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Posted by: @morgan
Posted by: @derek-m


Please try the following and see what you discover.

Select - 'Service', then 'Operation settings', then 'Heating operation', then .Flow temp. range'. The screen should now display the minimum and maximum permitted flow temperatures. If the minimum setting is above 20C then it will need changing. If the maximum setting is below 50C then it will need changing.


I just tried that but it then asks if you want to shut the system down. Yes or No. Β I backed out.

Feel the fear! 😉Β 

Select Yes to system shutdown, then follow Dereks notes. You will see a screen like this:

IMG 3674

When you are finished just keep pressing the back button until you see a blank screen. Then press the big round power button once to turn the system back on.

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@derek-m @morgan

Yeah, I just tried it too, same result, & I backed out too...

PXL 20211108 134030537. exported 656 1636379087271

Question: Do we need to power off the system before we can change this? Or does it just power off everything ?


OK, just read the reply: Cover me, I'm going in...

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Dental appointment. Laters

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

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Posted by: @justinsb

@derek-m @morgan

Yeah, I just tried it too, same result, & I backed out too...

PXL 20211108 134030537. exported 656 1636379087271

Question: Do we need to power off the system before we can change this? Or does it just power off everything ?


OK, just read the reply: Cover me, I'm going in...


When it asks you if you wish to shutdown the system, then select NO. It may still take you to the screen where you can adjust the minimum and maximum water flow temperature settings.

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good luck, I'll keep you posted here on how it goes.

PXL 20211108 135101153

OK, next big question... What should they be?

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If you select No on the Shutdown screen, it just bounces you back out to the previous menu. You have to shut down the system before you can do anything here.


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Posted by: @justinsb


good luck, I'll keep you posted here on how it goes.

PXL 20211108 135101153

OK, next big question... What should they be?


Since the weather compensation was set for a maximum 50C and minimum 20C. Then the permitted values need to be the same, otherwise I suspect that when the weather compensation tries to lower the water flow temperature below 30C, it will not be able to do so.

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@derek-m OK - I'll set them to 20C & 50C, as opposed to their current settings of 30C & 50C

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Posted by: @justinsb

@derek-m OK - I'll set them to 20C & 50C, as opposed to their current settings of 30C & 50C

Try that, though you may not see any effect until the outdoor air temperature increases to a point where the water flow temperature needs to go below 30C. If you wish to prove what I think that the settings are showing, you could instead increase the minimum flow temp. setting above the present water flow temperature (say 40C) and see if it causes the water flow temperature to be increased to 40C.

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