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RHI questioning how much heating we needed

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Well, this interesting. We submitted our quarterly RHI metre readings last week, and when we put our numbers in on their website we got a pop up saying are we sure that the numbers are correct, because they seem 'high'. I double checked and they were correct - and yes, they were high, because it was a really cold winter and we consumed a tonne of electricity to keep our house warm.

Today, we got an email asking for photographic evidence of our metre readings. Naturally, I obliged and submitted them, but why would the RHI be in any way surprised that our ASHP consumed a lot more electricity and generated more heat this winter than last winter given how much colder it was.

I would imagine that most ASHP owners consumed a lot more electricity this winter.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'll post an update on the RHI's response.

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I would think maybe its an automated response about the high number and when you send the photo they should accept it. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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@boblochinver, I agree that it’s automated, but I imagine that this will trigger a lot of similar emails because it was a cold winter. We have no doubt the payment will be made, but I suspect their officers are going to be quite busy.

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Mars, is this because you have a backup system, i.e. you're still running your oil CH? Most folks won't do this and so RHI is all worked out in advance. 


Hopefully it will be fine.

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That's a good point @kev-m - I never factored that into my thinking, and there won't be many people with bivalent systems. 

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