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PM recommits UK to Net Zero by 2050 and pledges a “fairer” path to achieving target to ease the financial burden on British families

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Money and economy wins again… echoes a piece I wrote very recently:

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I fully agree with your sentiments, and do everything that I can to try to reduce our energy consumption, along with helping others to do the same.

Think what could be achieved if all the money spent on armaments could be used to help heal the planet, but at the moment humanity appears to be determined to go in the opposite direction.


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Be interesting to see what now happens to manufacturer targets for zero emission heating

And I the similar mechanism for transitioning to zero emission vehicles



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@jeff I really don’t want to politco-bash in this forum, however, I hear the good news that Nissan intend to carry on with the original 2030 proposal and perhaps others will be sensible and bold enough to come forward with metaphorical 2-digit gestures to parliament indicating that the rest of the world can still see the sense in following the original (and unanimously agreed) ethos towards renewable energy for transport (and everything else of course!). If enough support  for adherence to a cleaner globe is shown despite political influences, we might yet look to a brighter future but… should I hold my breath? Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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They've all tooled up for 2030. Switching to a 2035 roadmap now, only for a potential Labour government to change it back to 2030 in 2 years would be incredibly short sighted. Big businesses in the car and boiler industry surely see that. Probably the area most affected is sole trader plumbers/small plumbing firms, who might choose to delay training in heatpumps. That would still be shortsighted but more understandable as the cost of changing plans is less than for a big car or boiler manufacturer.

It's funny how this kind of shows that Labour are really in charge of long term policies like Net Zero, since most businesses will need to look at and plan for what a potential Labour government will bring in a couple years. I suppose the corollary of that is that homeowners might also delay investment in heatpumps, solar, batteries, insulation etc, in the hope that Labour start subsidising them more heavily in the future.

ASHP: Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5kW
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Our car is zero emissions for most of the time, it just sits on the drive emitting 'zeros'. Fortunately my wife sweeps them up and puts them in the recycle bin. 😋 

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@derek-m On the lines of ‘Have you stopped beating your wife, yes or no?’ I have not lowered my emissions  from any vehicle on my drive at all; I don't possess a vehicle of any description but I feel that were I able to drive, I would want to be driving a ZEV anyway. In terms of commitment,  I feel I have shown the nature of that by recent expenditure on renewable energy equipment and have minimised my co2 emissions as much as I can within my budget by spending some £55-60,000 in and around the house and garden. All I have seen from the local authorities and government put together is £5,500 in total for loft insulation and the BUS. (I m very grateful for this though) I believe that should be enough effort on my part and this is why I feel a little aggrieved when the government starts to ‘pull back’ on its’ commitments. To call it realism or spreading the load holds little water as far as I am concerned, presumably committees sat in many rooms eating curled up sandwiches and glasses of warm water / cold beer debating the original proposal before the final proposals were announced? I suppose I should be grateful that our present government is ‘big enough’ to admit they may have got it wrong initially - but I remain unconvinced - in the main, the firms who agreed to the original proposals seem to be prepared to stick to their commitments so I feel it is a great shame the government can’t do the same. If additional financial help is needed for the ‘victims’ of the results of the original proposal - then that might be tackled without reneging on the original target. Lowering our aims would oil the wheels of the handcart heading for hell. (Dismounts Soapbox) Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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There is a consultation out now about making the boiler upgrade scheme more targeted for anyone interested in these sorts of things.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Jeff



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