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New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

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Hi - Perhaps I've been hibernating the last few months. Whilst the universal £400 payment for this winter has been well-advertised,  this is the first time I've heard of a £200 payment for those who have to use alternative fuels like oil and biomass. I think this was made public in December but I first heard it on Money Box (Radio 4) today. My question is - does this include alternatives like ASHPs and if not, why not?

The government is also providing a further £200 Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) to help those households in Great Britain who use alternative fuels such as biomass or heating oil to meet energy costs this winter. Most households eligible for the AFP support in Great Britain, will receive payment automatically via their electricity supplier in February, with no need to take any action. Those households who will need to apply for the AFP, for example because they do not have a relationship with an electricity supplier, will be able to do so in February, through the same GOV.UK portal as the one that will be used to apply for support under the EBSS Alternative Funding scheme.

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It hasn't been announced yet but I believe it will be credited to the electricity accounts of those who don't have gas. The 'don't have gas' bit is a bit vague; it may be done on areas without mains gas or alternatively for households with no gas account. There may have to be some exceptions handling but I think either way ASHP users will get it.    

It would be too difficult to do it any other way.


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How do 'they' know that I have no gas supply?

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Posted by: @morgan

How do 'they' know that I have no gas supply?

Don't know really.  Ask these people?

Or is there a central meter database?

Maybe @transparent might know?



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Yes, there are two central meter databases.

ECOES contains detail for Electricity meters, whilst Xoserve is for mains gas meters.

Each database holds information such as the MPAN (or MPRN), serial number, the geographical address, the name and address of the bill-payer and the set of meter readings.

When you switch Energy Supplier, checks are made with ECOES and Xoserve to ascertain if the information is correct and prevent fraud. This gradually eliminates historical errors.

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Reading the Government statement it would appear this extra payment is aimed at users of oil, LPG and biomass, not users of mains gas or electricity, which of course includes heat pumps.

Heat pump users are already benefiting from the electricity price cap, so I don't think would be eligible for any additional payment, which I believe would be the same for mains gas users, since its price is also being capped.

The answer is on the title page 'Households without direct domestic energy supply'. I believe that mains electricity qualifies as 'direct domestic energy supply'.

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Posted by: @derek-m


Reading the Government statement it would appear this extra payment is aimed at users of oil, LPG and biomass, not users of mains gas or electricity, which of course includes heat pumps.

Heat pump users are already benefiting from the electricity price cap, so I don't think would be eligible for any additional payment, which I believe would be the same for mains gas users, since its price is also being capped.

The answer is on the title page 'Households without direct domestic energy supply'. I believe that mains electricity qualifies as 'direct domestic energy supply'.

I thought exactly the same, but then I found this article from earlier this month which seems to include heat pumps (date on website is 2023, not 2022 as in the title):-




This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by SKD

Mitsubishi Ecodan 11.2kW R32 ASHP; Ecodan DHW cylinder; UFH+rads
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@morgan that one has me scratching my head. First heard of this scheme on the Martin Lewis programme. Until late October I was off mains gas with heating and hot water by Kerosene. How on earth would my then electricity provider Ovo know this? I just had a single fuel energy account. I could have been getting gas from another supplier. Even British Gas don't seem to know I'm off grid as they keep spamming me and the entire village with postal boiler replacement offers every winter. I've since changed to ASHP heating and hot water with Octopus as my electricity provider. Well I won't hold my breath for £200 to land in my lap... 😉

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Try doing a reverse search on the Xoserve gas database by going to Find My Supplier and entering your post-code.

There isn't a direct equivalent to verify your electricity supplier. It's up to each regional DNO how they handle such a request.

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thanks, I thought there would be something. It would be easiest for each electricity supplier to be told to give the £200 to all of their customers with no gas MPRN.  Fingers crossed that's what happens. 😉 


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@derek-m yes but logically users of oil, LPG and biomass all use electricity and therefore surely use a direct domestic energy supply too? How many users of oil, LPG and biomass don't have mains electricity? They too are benefitting from the electricity price cap.

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Posted by: @jennyross

@derek-m yes but logically users of oil, LPG and biomass all use electricity and therefore surely use a direct domestic energy supply too? How many users of oil, LPG and biomass don't have mains electricity? They too are benefitting from the electricity price cap.

Yes, but not to the degree they would benefit if they have a heat pump. My understanding is that the payment is aimed at those with oil, LPG or biomass, who at the moment are only receiving limited benefit from the energy price cap on electricity and mains gas. Heat pumps owner's who claim the additional £200 payment would therefore be receiving a dual benefit.

My interpretation is that the £200 payment is aimed at those not using mains gas or mains electricity as their main heating source.


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