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My experience with the Selpos Mason DIY kit

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@batalto hi, what did you use to charge it up please? i am a total newbie and trying to set up my mason kit and a sofar inverter ME3000SP 


i top balanced all the cells first before assembling the (upright) case using 280 EVE grade A cells


everything has been installed but the battery doesnt feed into the house as it should do, so i am assuming i need to charge it fully to 100% before i can set it up properly?

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Hi @misterb - we're going to need a bit more than that to help us understand the issue.

Firstly, a set of 280Ah cells should be capable of 'feeding' into the house whether they are 100% full or near-empty.

So take us through this one step at a time, and assume we're all naive!

  • from where are you getting the information that the battery is not supplying the house?
  • who set up and installed the ME 3000-SP inverter?
  • how has your system been operating before you attached the Seplos Mason box?


If it would help clarify matters, please post graphics.
A photo of your layout might be useful, as would a sketch on the back of an envelope!

Hint: What you've described so far suggests we're looking for a relatively small mistake in the installation.
It's typical of what happens if the Current-sensing clamps aren't connected to the right ports, or one of them is back to front.
Details matter!

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Transparent

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thanks for the response, i had the sofar installed by an electrician and built the batteries myself. i am just updating the software versions from 3.10 to the latest version. i am also hoping its just a simple mistake as i am sure it is, i will try to add some photos info etc as soon as i have gone through the software upgrades, i started with a straight jump to 3.2 but no luck, so trying to do one step at a time !


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in the interim and to keep some people amuse (LOL) - this is how i built the case, NOT how to do it, but how i did it and overcame a few minor issues. i will have to do it in a couple of messages due to the file size ,,,,

unless i can send it a different way, its a large file with a lot of photos



This post was modified 2 years ago by MisterB

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ive just rewired the CT connections on the inverter and when i went to check the clamps themselves, they are really loose around the cables. i would have expected them to be a lot tighter or doesnt it matter? it seems to me that it would be difficult to identify a current flow if the CT clamps werent actually clamped onto the wires !!

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Thanks @misterb. I usually reduce the resolution of a photo to about 800 pixels horizontally before uploading to this forum.
Do you have an image editor to achieve this?

Try uploading just one photo and let's see if that gives us useful information.

Current transformers do not have to be tight around a wire.
Here's one between my Smart Meter and the consumer unit.


The important point is that the 'return' wire (the Neutral) needs to be moved away from the CT, otherwise it interferes with the magnetic flux.

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This a link to the assembly that i posted on a different site (assuming its ok to post links to other sites)



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Here are some photos of the display on my me3000sp to help me sort out the issues ... Thanks 


IMG 20230703 105253
IMG 20230703 105314
IMG 20230703 105305
IMG 20230703 105341
IMG 20230703 105415
IMG 20230703 105440
IMG 20230703 105445
IMG 20230703 105431


I then switched on the shower (8kw) - as you can see from the next three photos, nothing is registered


IMG 20230703 110514
IMG 20230703 110924
IMG 20230703 110930


it seems as though the ct clamps are not sending the data to the inverter in order for it to know what to do, when to feed its power? so my thoughts were to swap the ct clamps over. which is what i did on the next photo

IMG 20230703 112712


Which in the photo above shows that both clamps are working. Not sure where the 8kw load came from though as the shower is now off and we dont have anything consuming that size load running ?



This post was modified 2 years ago 4 times by MisterB

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Those last three photos don't show an 8kW shower in use.

They show 1.6kW being used within the home, which is coincidentally matched by the electricity imported from the solar panels.

I think you need to specify what 'issues' you're drawing to our attention, rather than merely post a set of images.

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Posted by: @transparent

Those last three photos don't show an 8kW shower in use.

They show 1.6kW being used within the home, which is coincidentally matched by the electricity imported from the solar panels.

I think you need to specify what 'issues' you're drawing to our attention, rather than merely post a set of images.


thanks, ive edited my post !


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Also are both load and grid terminals connected? The Sofar ME3000SP manual that I can find section 4.2 does state

For most customers, please ONLY connect GRID port & leave LOAD port unconnected.

so this may also be affecting the priority of energy use by the inverter. Perhaps we are missing the "concept of operation" as well as an overall system diagram!


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Simply swapping around CT clamps doesn't appeal to me as a logical approach!

Assuming that your solar installation and its grid-tied inverter preceded the Sofar ME 3000-SP, have you followed the connection diagram from the manual?


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