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Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

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@batalto Thanks vey much for the information

I originally got a quote from Seplos and found the Batteries - for the size - cheaper thatn their equivalent Pylontech

However is not the same to pay , say £800 than paying £1400, even when you get almost 3 times as much power!

This gets exhacerbated as I will need to recoup the 2.4kw Pylontech batteries

Let us know how you are doing with the Seplos kit

I am hoping to get a bit of extra money in the next few months so I may decide to buy a Mason


Thanks again




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Just a quick question:

If I were to add a Mason ( 5kw??) plus my 2.4kw batteries I will have around 10Kw of batteries, can the  ME3000SP charge them during the 4hrs of Octopus Go cheap tariff?



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@javiermi in terms of capacity yes, you can charge at 3kw per hour, so plenty of room. In terms of compatibility no. They are two different batteries with differing BMS. You can't just hook them up together, it wouldn't go well. Only one set would be able to speak to the Sofar. 

Technically they might work, as you don't need the Comms cable. But it's a bit of a risk in my book. Each battery set does have its own BMS. But I wouldn't do it.

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
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I agree with @batalto but will add one additional factor:

If the Sofar ME3000SP was an inverter which could operate in parallel, then theoretically you could have two of them: one for the existing Pylontech batteries, and the other for the new Seplos Mason box. But I don't see any mention of parallel operation in its specification.

For others reading this who may have Pylontech batteries connected to a different manufacturer's inverter:

The parallel operation isn't an issue when the batteries are being charged, only during discharge. It has to be parallel-inverter system which is approved by the ENA (Electricity Networks Association) such that it won't export back to the grid more than 3.6kW (16A per phase). That's the basic G98/G99 certificate requirement.


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The Mason 280Ah battery kit big build has been published on Off Grid Garage! 

One concern is the packaging of parts for transport; the BMS could have been damaged by loose metal parts, and the plastic screen cover was dented by it.

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@chickenbig it'll be interesting to see how I get on. He doesn't seem to have too much trouble. Not sure his BMS issue. I'll have to see when I get there!

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
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Posted by: @batalto

it'll be interesting to see how I get on.

When is your battery due to arrive? A month on from ordering, mine have not even shipped yet. I wanted the 200A BMS (plenty of headroom to disconnect under high load) which are popular for some reason or other.

Yes Andy did not have too much trouble with the physical assembly; I am guessing/hoping the BMS communication will be something easy. It would be nice to see how the bus-bars and connections perform under load. It would also be interesting to see how he solves the issue of power cable connectors as they do not use standard Amphenol surlok plus connectors (they rate their custom made FUTRONICS connectors for 200A).

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@chickenbig mines been shipped. I've got the tracking. But I can't track until it arrives in the UK. I was given 30 days shipping by train

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
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Posted by: @batalto

I was given 30 days shipping by train

Hmmm. So it will travel through Russia, then either via Iran or Ukraine 😖  Good luck with the 30 day estimate!

FWIW if anyone else is considering a shipment above 1Kg from China, your most reliable route is marine transport via Singapore. That means the package is received into the hands of a reputable courier company at the earliest opportunity.

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Posted by: @transparent

marine transport via Singapore.

There would be a pretty good chance that the container would be on a ship to Felixstowe. Enclosed is a photo from 1 week ago (only one crane operational in the whole of the port).

IMG 1671


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Yes, Felixstowe is the most commonly-used port for goods I've ordered from the Far-East using marine transport. But the shipping companies have alternatives.

Port Said is used to offload containers which will be transferred to smaller vessels, able to dock elsewhere in UK.

Most large container ships which use Felixstowe then go on to other ports in Holland or Germany. The major couriers such as FedEx and UPS have little difficulty in offloading there and sorting the UK-bound cargo to travel by road/ferry.

If a marine container gets sent via Rotterdam and Calais, I can still see its progress on the map for each hour of the journey. The same isn't the case if it enters Iran by rail!

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Case is due in on the 18th of September. Batteries arrive at port today 

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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