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Saving Sessions in this mild weather?

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I’m all in favour of saving sessions offered by OE but, I’m rather suprised that one is being offered today as I am unsure of the rest of the UK but the South East of England is basking in OAT of 15 degrees C and my heat pump is showing a COP of 4.9+! Could it be that there is something else behind the SS’s perhaps? Only too happy to help out between 18:00 - 18:30 on Thursday 14th. March, just a little surprised, that’s all. Rewards, Toodles.

This topic was modified 4 months ago by Toodles

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

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OE don't offer savings sessions its the National Grid, OE just bid to take part, these are test sessions to collect data its not a real demand

This post was modified 4 months ago by Gary

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@gary Fairy Nuff! The National Grid are behind all the sessions as I understand it and data gathering must be costing a fair amount then. I suppose the alternative would be even more expensive though! I did read somewhere that the previous saving session didn’t appear to be linked to any particular demand spike pricing though. New gas-fired power stations anyone? Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!



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