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Electricity post on land

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We have an electricity post at the bottom of our field that runs electric cables. We've been told by a friend that we could potentially be claiming an annual way leave fee. Is that true?

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Posted by: @editor

We have an electricity post at the bottom of our field that runs electric cables. We've been told by a friend that we could potentially be claiming an annual way leave fee. Is that true?

It's possible, but you may also have an easement on your deeds.  You can check on Land Registry for that or ask the operator about the easement.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Kev M

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Posted by: @editor

We have an electricity post at the bottom of our field that runs electric cables. We've been told by a friend that we could potentially be claiming an annual way leave fee. Is that true?

We have an electric cable from a pole running across the corner of our garden to next door, we get £5pa wayleave from Wales&West Utilities.


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Posted by: @editor

We have an electricity post at the bottom of our field that runs electric cables. We've been told by a friend that we could potentially be claiming an annual way leave fee. Is that true?

Hi Mars,

If the post is for your home supply, what happens if they take it down? 😯 

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I raised it with our DNO and they were very quick in replying. We sent them proof of ownership of the land and they have now passed this over to their land assistant team for evaluation. It'll be interesting to see if we get anything. 

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For anyone looking to contact their respective electricity network operators pertaining to cables, poles, power lines, mini pillar and steel tower wayleaves, this page has all the contacts you'll need. Very helpful indeed:

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Posted by: @editor

We have an electricity post at the bottom of our field that runs electric cables. We've been told by a friend that we could potentially be claiming an annual way leave fee. Is that true?

I'm not sure that it applies to electricity posts in fields, and may well not amount to much if it does. We have an electricity post (+ transformer) in our garden, and in 2019 received £3843 (net of 10% kept by the survey company that did the work on our behalf) from Western Power to buy out our wayleave payment that was paying us a grand total of £3.72 per year. The way it was explained to us was that the value of the payment was determined by the negative effect caused by the electricity pole to the market value of the property. Strangely enough we've continued to receive the annual £3.72!

I could never quite work out what was in it for the DNO, particularly since the lump-sum agreement only lasts (in our case) for 14 years, or sooner if the property changes ownership (the new owners then having the right to negotiate a similar deal). I didn't question it too much - gift horses etc.... 

We also have an electricity line (+ poles) crossing our field, but we don't receive any wayleave payment on that.



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