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166 kWhs
Joined: Apr 6, 2021
Last seen: Aug 25, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 53
RE: Which micro inverter is more suitable?

There shouldn’t be a problem using an inverter rated higher than your panel output. Maybe there will be a small efficiency loss at the low end (grey d...

2 years ago
RE: Noisy Grant Aerona 3 13kW ASHP question

One thing I fixed was my dozy installer had screwed the copper pipes from the ASHP to the loft joists with regular brass pipe clips. (Flexi tails outs...

2 years ago
RE: Noisy Grant Aerona 3 13kW ASHP question

@jimbo69 As a follow up to my post above, I solved the other cause of my noise. The installer fitted my system with a Honeywell Lyriq on-off controlle...

2 years ago
RE: DHW with Grant Aerona link to cylinder temperature

It is possible to install a thermistor (10K, beta=3435, 1%) in the DHW cylinder so the tank temperature can be read by the ASHP. However this doesn'...

2 years ago
RE: Move along, nothing to see here....

API keys are like passwords, but used by computers. They allow access to private resources and data like passwords do, although API keys are often sho...

2 years ago
RE: National Grid ESO peak hour rebate

It turns out Octopus have an API for reading the times of future (and past) 'saving sessions', as well as the points you've earned. I hacked up a qui...

2 years ago
RE: Heat pump servicing and maintenance

NRM Plumbing and Heating (St Neots, Cambs), £120+VAT. According to the invoice, checked the filters, glycol mix, outdoor unit. I didn't ask for a lis...

2 years ago
RE: Buying a house with an ASHP – what to look out for and what questions to ask?

If I were buying a place with tech I wasn't familiar with, I'd probably look for an expert to do an inspection. Surveyors are common for structural i...

2 years ago
RE: Install a Grant Aerona 13kW instead of Mitsubishi Ecodan 11.2kW?

@FJJ Over the last few weeks I've commissioned a switch from an external Honeywell Lyric controller to using the ASHP's own controller. I need to wri...

2 years ago
RE: Towel rails

If your towel rail has an electric heating element, one solution is to fit a boost timer on it. For example this one should be a drop-in replacement ...

3 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

Just an addition on the subject of sourcing your own cells: a lot of the cells on offer on the likes of Aliexpress are some variation on factory rejec...

3 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

One solution to that is multiple batteries and multiple inverters: dual ME3000SP each feeding its own stack of batteries. Then they can operate in par...

3 years ago
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